Android and Google Contacts - Address Incompatibility

I'm in the process of moving all my contacts from BlackBerry to Android. I've been moving contacts from phone to phone for close to 10 years - but I've never found a problem like this. Getting my contacts from BlackBerry to Google was simple. I exported a VCF of all my contacts from Outlook and […]

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When is a Nexus not a Nexus?

Photo of the Nexus One from Google. It is a small Android phone with a trackball at the bottom.

I was mightily disturbed to receive an email from Google apparently telling me I had purchased a Nexus One phone. Had I been hacked? Had my credit-card details been used to buy a phone? Were Google sending me one for free? Hello! Your new Nexus One phone has many cool and useful features. Learn more […]

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Why I'm Joining The Lib Dems

Meme that says "I agree with Nick" - with a picture of Nick Clegg.

I'm a natural Labour voter.  As I explained several months ago, I went in to this election thinking I may vote Labour.  It's now become clear that my vote will be going to the Liberal Democrats.  More than that, I will be joining them. I want to explain why - without resorting to attacking the […]

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If you haven't already heard, I've joined the award winning team at Touchnote ltd. I was overwhelmed by the support of my friends on Twitter and by the excellent bloggers at Mobile Industry Review and The Really Mobile Project. Starting a new job is never easy - but you guys have given me wind in […]

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Terence Eden - Regeneration

In 1974, a post-boxing day Britain tuned in to BBC 1 to watch "Robot" - the first Doctor Who story to star Tom Baker. For the next 6 years, 2 months, and 22 days, Tom Baker was The Doctor. But, as these things are wont to do, it came to an end.  Forgive the spoilers, […]

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iplayer-dl on Xbox Xebian

The original XBox console. It's large.

I'm a huge fan of Paul Battley's iplayer-dl. In brief, it downloads videos from iPlayer by pretending to be an iPhone. The .MP4 files it grabs are suitable for playback on most mobile devices (480 x 272 and stereo audio). It also downloads radio programmes as .MP3 files. I was having a bit of trouble […]

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A Glimpse Into The Future

My eye has been caught by a stunning new gadget - the Immortal Video Eye Gear. Head mounted 3-megapixel video camera.  Seamlessly embedded within a pair of innocuous looking sun glasses.  At £250, they're not cheap.  While battery life looks good at 2.5 hours, they can only record one hour of video. No method of […]

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Doctor Who QR Codes

Mobile QR codes are fantastic. They're real-life hyperlinks. Snap them with your phone and go direct to a website. What could be better? The BBC, however, need a few lessons in how to optimise the experience. As part of their Prisoner Zero page - the BBC have an awesome "Wanted Poster". Here's the teaser image. […]

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Doctor Who and Mobile Phones

A slightly modified BlackBerry Storm.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to any reader of this blog that I'm a phone geek. And a Doctor Who geek.  So, image my utter nerdgasm when we got to see the 11th Doctor using a mobile he'd nicked.  The burning question is which phone? It's quite hard to see throughout the episode. It […]

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Plot Holes in The Eleventh Hour

I'm a shameless Doctor Who geek.  I loved the first episode of the new series.  But I wanted to point out a (minor?) plot hole in the episode. Slight spoilers here, so wait until you've seen the show. Towards the end, the Doctor is having a stand off with the Atari.  He's discussing the planet […]

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