Alternative Voicemail Providers

(Usual Disclaimer - I work for Vodafone, but I do not speak on their behalf. Other mobile phone providers are available. I know some of the people at SpinVox and I have an account with them. All biases are my own and should be taken into account before you make a decision.) There has been a lot of talk recently about alternate VoiceMail Providers - especially those who transcribe or otherwise deliver your message.  I thought I'd give an overview of the four (!) VoiceMail services I use. All …

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BarCamp Transparency #BCT09

An inspiring day. There were, I think, two main points of contention. 1) Information wants to be free - but personal information wants to be private. 2) Raw Data Now. Should we wait for standards - or just make them up as we go along? As for (1) I'm happy for everyone to see my data if I can see theirs. Might reduce hypocrisy.  I'm aware that I'm in the minority here. There are a lot of sociological and usability issues as well. For (2) I'm in the minority in that I think JFDI is a very …

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Armadillo Roll - Open GL Game for Android

Screenshots of Armadillo Roll.

Feast your eyes on these beauties. Amarillo Roll is a 3D game in the same style as Super Monkey Ball. You tip your phone to move the armadillo around the course. The graphics are stunning. Reminiscent of early Xbox games. The one thing the photos don't do is convey the speed of gameplay - it's fast! The game is a tech demo from Qualcomm. You can download Armadillo Roll directly from the Marketplace to your phone or view more information about it. …

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Bletchley Park

Sign at a train station saying "Welcome to Bletchley. The home of Bletchley Park & Enigma."

Bletchley Park stands as a testament to the power of mathematics. It represents the idea that brains, not brawn, are vital to winning any conflict. Like many Brits, I learned about the Second World War at school. I devoured books - fiction and non - about the war. What interested me wasn't the tales of derring-do, of men fighting for their lives, bombs, guns, bullets and knives. No, what interested me was the idea about intelligence. The concept that by learning about your enemy you could …

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YouTube and QR Codes

I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else. It would appear that the mobile version of YouTube now includes links to QR codes, so you can share the video with your friends. I've only seen this using the Android browser, I'm not sure if it's available on other devices. Browsing at the bottom is a new link A link to a QR code Clicking on it takes you to a QR code The QR code It's using the Google Chart API to generate the code. The Googe Chart API in use Will this…

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Connect Conference - Part 1

Logo for the Connect Trade Union.

I'm still writing up my notes from the Connect Biennial Conference in Blackpool which I hope to turn into a full post this week. However, I found an anonymous article in the Socialist Worker decrying the merger vote. Socialist Worker accept comments for publication in the paper, but not on their website, so here's the response I emailed them. Dear Sir, I was a delegate at the Connect Conference.  I must take issue with your statement "The whole weight of the union machine was used to force …

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WordPress Plugin - YouTube for XHTML and Mobile

The Logo for WordPress.

This blog is XHTML 1.0 Strict. Unfortunately, the code produced by YouTube for embeding their videos isn't. Nor is it compatible with the dotMobi WordPress Mobile Pack. This scrap of code is a WordPress Plugin. it allows me to write something like [youtube id="p5ACl4iBGd0"] The code then outputs either the XHTML 1.0 embeding code or the XHML-MP code which links to the mobile version of the site function youtube_func($attr) { //Get the name of the Wordpress Template being used $name =…

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Mashed Up Maps

As part of my project to create a mobile polling station locator site, I've been playing with various mapping APIs. As a base experiment, I passed the postcode of a polling station (GU22 7DT) to both Google Maps and Yahoo Maps. Here are the results. - Two things of interest to note. Firstly, Google has a specific "Mobile" call in the API, it reformats the map image to be more readable on the mobile - I think you'll agree that Google edges out Yahoo here. Secondly, Google maps is less…

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UberTwitter Review

It's been a long time since my last post about Twitter on the BlackBerry. Back then I concluded that Dabr wasn't quite up to snuff - how wrong I was! In the last year it has come on leaps and bounds. I've even contributed a few suggestions and lines of code. Without a doubt, Dabr is the best general mobile web client for Twitter. As my main device is a BlackBerry, I wanted something that integrated a little better. The Facebook app hooks in with email, calendar and even adds profile pictures …

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Getting People To The Polling Station

Photo of a wooden sign indicating there's polling station here.

It has always depressed me how little the British make of elections. We don't have voter registration drive, "Kiss me; I've voted" badges" or much in the way of celebrating our democracy. Perhaps it's our reserved nature. But I think it has a direct effect on the declining number of people voting. We're going to have a General Election within a year - how do we encourage people to register and then vote? I want to create a dual-aim mobile site. How do I register to vote? Enter…

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