Moving house

Thanks to a team of good friends - moving house isn't nearly as stressfull as I thought it would be. Although not having any curtains means that a dawn waking is inevitable. (Imported from my old blog) …
Continue reading →Thanks to a team of good friends - moving house isn't nearly as stressfull as I thought it would be. Although not having any curtains means that a dawn waking is inevitable. (Imported from my old blog) …
Continue reading →[This was the Friday Giggle sent to Vodafone UK Grads last week. Enjoy!] Welcome to the New and Improved "Noise!" Your official guide to what's going on in the mobile industry. Rapid Increase in Product Numbers The mobile phone industry was thrown into chaos last week as Sharp made public its plans to launch what it described as "a massive amount of numbers." Rumours began to fly that their new handset would be the "GX-50000", Sony Ericcson quickly countered by launching the "T69999999",…
Continue reading →Yet more mumblings of e-voting at El Reg. Does anyone seriously think that e-voting is a good idea? Ignoring the fact that PRIVATE companies have complete control over the PUBLIC election process and ignoring the usability nightmare and ignoring what happens when there's a power cut, you still have the fact that it wont solve the fundamental problems of voting. 1) Low voter turn out. I think this could be solved with an improved voting process rather than first passed the post and more a…
Continue reading →I use a RIM Blackberry (6720 I think) to get my emails and browse the web on the move. I think its interface is deeply lacking and the hardware is flakey to say the least. But it has an amazing keyboard. I couldn't imagine typing anything this long using predictive text - or even handwriting recognition. I still love my Treo 180 - but its consigned to a drawer until there's a Blackberry client for it. The same goes for any smartfone - unless my email comes to me I'm just not interested.…
Continue reading →So, this is a just a blog to record some trivia. It's also to show y'all some of the interesting (but non-confidential) stuff stuff I do at Vodafone. And if anyone that I used to know but lost contact with during my wilderness years should find this... well so much the better! How have you been? (Imported from my old blog) …
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