How I got my username on (nearly) every site

An error message on Flickr's edit name screen.

I go by "edent" on most websites. It's short, relates to my real name, and is usually unique. I quite often sign up to things just to snag the name. But there have been a couple of sites where someone else has got there first and started using "my" name. I don't own the trademark, […]

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How I built a responsive & semantic "Contact Me" page in under 16KB

A website which looks like a phone homescreen.

Recently, I've become obsessed with the speed and efficiency of my web sites. I'm in the middle of slimming down this blog - but I thought I'd take a first attempt at my contact site - A few weeks ago, the .tel registry released their domain restrictions - users can now host their site […]

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A look back at 2016

Tickets to the premier of Star Wars.

Rather than wait until the end of the December, I like to use my birthday to reflect on how the year has been. This has been a very weird year. I mean, even aside from all the news, it was just an absolute mess of a year. I ended 2015 by unexpectedly winning tickets to […]

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If you haven't already heard, I've joined the award winning team at Touchnote ltd. I was overwhelmed by the support of my friends on Twitter and by the excellent bloggers at Mobile Industry Review and The Really Mobile Project. Starting a new job is never easy - but you guys have given me wind in […]

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Terence Eden - Regeneration

In 1974, a post-boxing day Britain tuned in to BBC 1 to watch "Robot" - the first Doctor Who story to star Tom Baker. For the next 6 years, 2 months, and 22 days, Tom Baker was The Doctor. But, as these things are wont to do, it came to an end.  Forgive the spoilers, […]

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Edent says: Find Me

Where am I?Most high-end Nokia phones come with a QR reader. If your phone doesn't, I have a list of QR code readers - compatible with most camera phones.

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