Nokia's marketing team are idiots. They've used URL over which they have no control on an advert for one of their premium handsets. This is the story of how I hijacked stole hacked recycled it and, in doing so, prevented Nokia from having a serious PR problem. E7 Poster This is advert for the new Nokia E7. It really emphasises the tweeting capabilities of the handset. Nokia's marketing team have illustrated this by showing off a couple of tweets on the handset. One of which contains a…
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How Popular Are QR Codes? One common complaint I hear is that QR codes are just too obscure. I don't think that's true. Aside from continual use in newspapers and magazines, they're all over the city. Here are a few examples that I snapped while walking around London. …
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I love going to Mobile Monday London - it's a great meeting place for those of us in the mobile industry. It's also one of the few spaces which holds the equivalent of an "Open Mic" night. MoMoLo's Spring Demo Night was crowded with great entrants. So much so that each of us had only three minutes to present! That's quite tight. I'm used to 15-30 minutes. I'm not sure how, but I managed to distil the QRpedia pitch down. QRpedia was received warmly by the crowd. Massive thanks to the…
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As promised earlier this week, I popped over to London's Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology to take a look at what they're doing with QR codes. The staff were very friendly and quite happy to chat about their experiences with the codes. I'd like to thank them for taking the time to talk to me about the installation - and for letting me photograph the exhibits. About The Museum The Petrie is one of London's smallest museums. Nestled within UCL, small but perfectly formed, it contains a…
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It seems that all good ideas are invented simultaneously. Calculus was arrived at by both Leibniz and Netwon, Gray and Bell invented the telephone within days of each other, and the electric car is currenly being pursued by many different manufacturers. Now it looks like sticking QR codes onto museum exhibits is the next big thing! QRpedia is the venture I'm involved it, but I've recently become aware of Edinburgh Museum's Tales of Things project and the QRator project of UCL. Now,…
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It's always an odd experience to watch yourself speak. Everyone - I think - finds the sound of their own voice really odd. I'm no exception! This is the video from the Derby Museum Backstage Pass where we gave the first public demonstration of QRpedia. The Video Video shot by Nick Moyes. The Slides All slides are a work in progress. This is a close approximation of what was presented on the day. Introducing QRpedia at Derby Museum from Terence Eden View more presentations…
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It's always a delight to be interviewed by the BBC - even if it is on a subject I know very little about! As part of the Wikimedia Derby Backstage Pass a group of participants were invited around the mothballed Silk Mill Museum. You can hear the full interview on the BBC iPlayer As the iPlayer removes shows after a week, I've liberated the clip of me chatting away. Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the Derby Interview Thanks to Mark Ansell for performing the…
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It looks like the next big thing in Kindle-land is - depressingly - advertising subsidisation. the world's first ad-supported Kindle, going on sale within Target and Best Buy locations for $114. That represents a gentle $25 savings compared to the price of today's cheapest Kindle, but those 2500 pennies don't come free -- you'll be asked to endure "advertisements on the bottom of the device's home page and on its screen savers." Engadget Can It Work? On the strength of the current evidence…
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Wow! What a day! I headed over to Derby Museum for the Wikipedia "Backstage Pass" event. I was invited there to talk about QRpedia and how it can improve visitor engagement in GLAM - Galleries Libraries Archives Museums. After the introductions, I had a quick wander around the museum - where I found the first set of QRpedia codes! I was, as this video will attest, very excited! I'll place the slides and video of the talk on the web once they're ready. In the meantime, here's what I…
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This is a sponsored post from ebuzzing I love my little Dell Laptop - it's served me well over the years. And it has become a magnet for stickers - some for companies who have long since gone bust! Recently, I've upgraded the hard disk to a pure solid state drive. The speed increase is incredible. Coupled with adding an extra GB of RAM, the machine is now faster than ever. It's just a pity that Dell limited the machine to 2GB of RAM. But, there's no denying it's getting a little long in…
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The only thing I love more than giving out my business cards, is taking business cards from others. Unfortunately, my current "to do" pile of cards is getting a little... unwieldy... Enter WorldCard Mobile - the app for Android which claims to be able to recognise the text on business cards and add them directly to your address book. At only US$5.99 it's a good deal cheaper than some of its competitors - but does it work? Walk Through Snapping a card is simplicity itself. The camera…
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My new project - QRpedia - gets its first official outing at Derby Museum's Backstage Pass this Saturday. Do come along if you're in the area. Before then, I thought I'd give you a sneak-peek at what's happening. In February, there was a discussion on this blog about using QR codes in museums to link to Wikipedia pages. Things have rather snow-balled from there. Working with Roger Bamkin, we've created a working prototype which is ready to take over THE WORLD! (more…) …
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