Home Made Kindle Case

There are lots of tutorials for how to create a Kindle case from a hollowed out book. This is the first time I've seen one in the wild. Created by my colleague Elliot Moore. …
Continue reading →There are lots of tutorials for how to create a Kindle case from a hollowed out book. This is the first time I've seen one in the wild. Created by my colleague Elliot Moore. …
Continue reading →When the Web was young, and I was even younger, there existed a number of schemes which offered to pay you to surf. Usually this involved installing a permanent advert bar on your PC which tracked your usage and displayed adverts to you. I knew a few people who got cheques from these services - most prominently, AllAdvantage. The schemes always had the faint whiff of a scam. The unrealistic targets, the easy to bypass monitoring software, the shady companies who popped up and then…
Continue reading →(This post appears on ReputationOnline) Vodafone has suffered a massive blow to their corporate reputation in recent days. A security error on their site allowed anyone to find customers' email addresses and phone numbers. It's still unknown if any accounts were compromised due to the flaw - nor is it known if there was any wholesale plundering of the sensitive personal data. Mistakes happen - even to companies who can afford the very best consultants. The way in which a company responds to …
Continue reading →(Disclaimer - I used to work for Vodafone. I don't any more.) A rather nasty flaw with Vodafone's "My Account" service was recently pointed out by Denny de la Haye. Vodafone will quite happily tell you the email address of any customer who has set up the "My Account" facility. Denny@dennyUgh. @VodafoneUK's website exposes my email address to anyone who knows (or randomly enters) my phone number on the 'forgot password' page.❤️ 0💬 0🔁 013:14 - Wed 22 September 2010 Vodafone offer a "My Accou…
Continue reading →This is the presentation I gave for Charity Hack 2010. Charity hack qr codes from Terence Eden If you're on mobile, you can view the mobile friendly version of the slides. Audio and video coming later. The gist of the talk is - use QR codes to drive mobile donations. Use return SMS to encourage people to share with their friends. …
Continue reading →Three failures and one giant lost opportunity Failure 1 - Targeting This version of the Tesco shopping app is only available on Nokia phones. Nothing wrong with that - Nokia are still the biggest phone seller on the planet. So why allow the advert to be shown to Android users? It will annoy users, reduce your CPM, and make users less likely to click on adverts in future. Failure 2 - Sizing This is the full resolution on the advert. (full resolution) 168*28 is barely enough to contain…
Continue reading →I've got a rather neat femtocell - the Vodafone SureSignal. It extends the 3G signal into my house by way of my broadband. To stop anyone leaching my broadband, you need to register "approved" phone numbers with the SureSignal. So - given that the Kindle has a Vodafone SIM card - how do we find the Kindle's phone number and register it with the SureSignal? There are three ways you can find your Kindle's phone number. None of them are "easy". Ask Amazon Open your Kindle, remove…
Continue reading →I've just taken delivery of a shiny new Amazon Kindle 3. I'm looking forward to giving it a thorough review - but here's a quick comparison between it and my venerable Elonex 511EB. Click for bligger (more…) …
Continue reading →This is the presentation I gave for OpenTech 2010 Opentech updated from Terence Eden If you're on mobile, you can view the mobile friendly version of the slides. Here's the audio of the talk. 🔊 OpenTech2010 Presentation: Why Doesn't Your Site Work On My Mobile Phone🎤 edent 💾 Download this audio file. The gist of the talk is - more people have mobile web enabled phones than have iPhones or Androids. Open Data requires open access. If you are trying to create a service to ser…
Continue reading →A quick report on OpenTech 2010 - the London event for geeks interested in Government data, openness and generally doing good things with tech and data. Copyright Matt Jones used under a Creative Commons non-commercial, attribution, share-alike licence. I attended last year's event which inspired me to create my "VoteUK" service for the 2010 general election. I had considered doing a talk about the trials and tribulations of using open - and not so open - data. Instead, I gave a more…
Continue reading →In the last week, I've played two ARGs around London. Using Alternate / Augmented Reality is an amazing way to discover - or rediscover - a city. The Real Game This is still in "beta" so I can't say too much about it. It's a spy game with a twist. You and your partner race around London solving clues. All the while you are being chased by a "Dagger" team whose aim is to solve the same clues, find you and photograph you. Running around London solving riddles is fun in of itself - but what …
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