Why are video games so expensive these days?

Sonic the Hedgehog jumping around the screen.

I was looking to buy the latest Zelda game for my wife as a present (Shhh! Don't tell her!) and it was SIXTY BLOODY QUID! For a video game! That seems extortionate. I remember, when I were a lad, video games cost... wait? Do I remember? Or is it just rose tinted glasses? I remember […]

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Responsible Disclosure: Abandoned Buckets and Billing Emails

Error saying the bucket does not exit.

A few weeks ago, I received a billing email from my phone provider O20. While glancing at it, I noticed all the images were broken. Viewing the source of the email showed that they were all coming from http:// mcsaatchi-email-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/o2/... What happens if we visit that domain? Ah, the dreaded "The specified bucket does not […]

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How much of AI's recent success is due to the Forer Effect?

A confused little cardboard robot is lost amongst the daisies

One of the things about AI is that it is brilliant at fooling us into seeing what we want to see. That's even more true when you're an investor who has poured millions into it. The journalist Martin Bryant has posted what Bing's A.I appears to know about him: My opinion of him is that […]

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How to style your alt text

Photo of a broken and smashed picture frame. Taken by eastbeach on Flickr.

Every day is a school day. I'd recently seen a post about highlighting images without alt text. That got me thinking. Is it possible to style alt text? Yes. Yes it is. And it's pretty simple. Well, OK, it's CSS, so simple is a relative term! Let's take a broken image like <img src="http://example.com/bigfoot.jpg" alt="The […]

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People only want their technology to do three things

Old Nokia phone showing an area code.

Many years ago, I worked as a product manager for pre-smart phones. Remember that old Nokia phone you had? Yeah, them! This was a common complaint we heard back then: "Ugh! Why do phones have all these useless, overcomplicated, random functions? People only want their phones to do three thing - calls, texts, and..." And... […]

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Signal's new(ish) URI Scheme

A padlock engraved into a circuit board.

A few years ago, I idly wondered "Whatever happened to URI Schemes?". Older communications protocols didn't rely on http. You can use mailto:me@example.com to send email, sms:+447700900123 to send a text message, and skype:terence.eden to use Skype. There are dozens of these sorts of protocols. But modern apps seem to prefer making everything an https: […]

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Necroposting - blogging from before you started blogging

An old photo of me, wearing a silly hat.

Jon Hicks has a lovely blog post about his site's design. In it, he briefly touches on something I find interesting: Blogging like it's 1972 I also finally realised that there's nothing stopping me from adding journal posts dated from before I started blogging. So I'm going to start adding key life moments as much […]

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Page numbers aren't the answer

The PDF file icon with a big red line through it.

There's a new pre-print paper called Pinpointing the problem: Providing page numbers for citations as a crucial part of open science by Leon Y. Xiao and Nick Ballou. It's a short, easily understandable paper, and well worth a read. I think I disagree with nearly all of its conclusions! The main point, I agree with. […]

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How to password protect a static HTML page with no JS

Screenshot of some garbled text on screen.

I recently saw Robin Moisson's method of password protecting a statically served HTML page. It's quite neat! But it does rely on JavaScript. That got me wondering if there was a way to encrypt a static page only using CSS? And... I think I've done it! I'll warn you now, this is a deeply stupid […]

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Shakespeare's Missing Smile

Scan of a yellowing page. The ext has no brackets.

Exactly a decade ago, I wrote about how Shakespeare invented the emoticon. Nestled deep in "Winter's Tale" is the first recorded use of the typographic smilie :) As I discussed, Sir Smile's smile appears in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th folios. One hundred years after the 4th folio was printed, the smile vanished. The […]

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