Seesmic Twitter Client for BlackBerry

Seesmic, a service I've not tried before, have released a Twitter client for the BlackBerry. Is it any good? How does it compare with the features of Dabr or the usability of UberTwitter? Find out! Getting the client was fairly simple, but could be better. Simply visiting was enough to bring up a mobile […]

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Mobile Badvertising - Click Here

How do you indicate that something on the web is "clickable"?  The W3C - the body which sets the standards for the Web - recommend you don't use "Click Here" for link text.  Normal text is usually underlined and / or a different colour when it is a hyperlink - images don't have any specific […]

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Twitter, OAuth and Passwords - Oh My!

Twitter has a gaping security hole.  Changing your password won't stop malicious users logging in as you! I received a rather worrying email from Twitter.  Apparently they thought my password had been compromised and needed to be reset. After checking to see if it was valid, I went and changed my password.  Any site which […]

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Review: Opera Mini 5 Beta - BlackBerry

(Disclaimer, I work for Vodafone Group who do a lot of work with Opera. These are my personal views.) The regular BlackBerry browser is... how can I put this politely... sub-optimal. For reading mobile-friendly sites it's perfectly adequate - but for anything more complex it tends to choke. Don't get me wrong, it's "good enough" […]

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How Not To Design A Mobile Site - TasteLondon

I'm a huge fan of TasteLondon.  Their card gives discounts in hundreds of restaurants around London.  It's saved me quite a bit of money  and I really recommend the service to anyone who likes eating out. There is a small problem with it, though.  The directory of restaurants it covers is a fairly heavy paperback […]

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UberTwitter Review

It's been a long time since my last post about Twitter on the BlackBerry. Back then I concluded that Dabr wasn't quite up to snuff - how wrong I was! In the last year it has come on leaps and bounds. I've even contributed a few suggestions and lines of code. Without a doubt, Dabr […]

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Nokia Ovi - 25 Mistakes

I know a thing or two about mobile websites. The last 4 years of my life have been spent obsessing over them. I wouldn't claim that the sites I run are the best in the world - but I've picked up a thing or two about how a successful mobile retail channel should work. Nokia's […]

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Nokia Ovi Store. Oh dear...

I try so hard to like Nokia. Their hardware is second to none - but when it comes to software and services, they haven't got a clue. They've just announced a new app store - Ovi Store.  This is to replace the broken mess that is Mosh, N-Gage, Download and the current Ovi.  Why do […]

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The Usability of Toilet Paper Dispensers

Don Norman wrote a fascinating article on the Toilet Paper Algorithms I've long been intrigued by the central premise of the "Design of Everyday Things" that the basic interactions with normal objects - from teapots to motor vehicles - leaves a lot to be desired. It's something which is also picked up on in Edward […]

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Mafia Wars - Two UI Flaws

Screenshot of the app.

I am greatly enjoying playing Zynga's Mafia Wars on the Cadbury's iPhone. There are two fairly interesting UI flaws which I'd like to point out... The first is the screen which allows you to alter your stats - this is what it looks like. However, this is what most people will see. Can you spot […]

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