Some thoughts on .tel

Just a few quick thoughts. .tel is yet another top level domain to go with all those other highly profitablepopular ones. You know, like .biz, .museum, .info, etc. This domain is different - this domain is single purpose. .tel's raison d'être is to abolish the business card. No more handing over little cardboard oblongs, in […]

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iTunes - Why The Sad Face?

After much faffing about - with a lot of help from Jon Price - I've finally got the damned iPhone working with iTunes. But what a pain in the arse. How this is the SAVIOUR OF THE MOBILE PHONE INDUSTRY is quite beyond me. First up, yet another EULA.I think that's the third one that […]

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iTunes Sucks. A Rational Discussion

I've largely stayed out of the Apple sphere of influence. I'm stuck on Windows XP at work and use Ubuntu at home. The first - and last - Apple product I owned was a blueberry iMac. I think it may have had an early version of OS X on it. It was fun enough, but […]

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Mobile Twitter on the Blackberry

Twitter == Addictive. CrackBerry == Addictive. Twitter + BlackBerry == toxic levels of addictivenessicity. This is a quick review of some of the mobile Twitter interfaces and how well they work on the BlackBerry. I'm just looking at mobile web interfaces (for now). Mobile Twitter First off - the official mobile Twitter interface - […]

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N-gage user experience. 100% failure.

I really want to like Nokia. They produce some amazing hardware, but time and time again, they're let down by poor software with a dreadful user experience. Take the recent n-gage launch. N-gage was a flop when it originally launched several years ago. It's absolutely critical for Nokia to get this relaunch right or else […]

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