Towards a test-suite for TOTP codes

Screenshot showing a QR code and numeric codes.

Because I'm a massive nerd, I actually try to read specification documents. As I've ranted ad nauseam before, the current TOTP spec is irresponsibly obsolete. The three major implementations of the spec - Google, Apple, and Yubico - all subtly disagree on how it should be implemented. Every other MFA app has their own idiosyncratic variants. The official RFC is infuriatingly vague. That's no good for a security specification. Multiple implementations are great, multiple interpretations are…

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A small contribution to curl

daniel stenberg saying "Welcome Terence Eden as #curl commit author 1342"

The venerable curl is one of the most fundamental pieces of code in the modern world. A seemingly simply utility - it enables other programs to interact with URls - it runs on millions of cars, is inside nearly every TV, used by billions of people, and is even in use on Mars. And, as of last week, features a small contribution by me! Look, I'm not an experienced bit-twiddler. I can't micro-optimise algorithms or spot intricate C-based memory leaks. What I can do is get annoyed at poor…

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Talking Contact Tracing at FOSDEM

I was delighted to be invited to speak at FOSDEM. And I was not at all intimidated to be speaking on the cavernous Janson stage. The audience were lovely, asked interesting questions, and - most importantly - laughed in all the right places 😅. Regular readers will recognise this as being an updated version of the talk I gave at EMF 2024 - feel free to watch that one if you want to see if I've improved. Huge thanks to the AV team and the video-wizards behind the FOSDEM in…

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Working around an old and buggy HTML Tidy in PHP

The PHP logo.

Dan Q very kindly shared his script to make WordPress do good HTML. But I couldn't get it working. Looking at the HTML it was spitting out, the meta generator said it was HTML Tidy version 5.6.0. That's quite old! I confirmed this by running: echo tidy_get_release(); Which spat out 2017/11/25. Aha! There are a few bugs in this version of HTML Tidy, some of which are fixed in later versions. Here's how to fix them. Auto Indent doesn't work. This is fixed by manually specifying "indent"…

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Can you trust

Screenshot of the ProtonApps page.

I've recently signed up to the privacy-preserving service Proton. All the email, calendar, drive, VPN, and other services seem to hang off the domain. I wanted to download the Android apps to my phone - without using the Google Play Store. The VPN app is on F-Droid but none of the others are. So, because I'm lazy, I Googled "Download Proton Mail". I landed on It looks like a genuine site. But is it? .me is signed by Let's Encrypt, whereas .com is…

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The Seven Levels of Open Source

Unix is user-friendly — it's just choosy about who its friends are.

This isn't an original idea, but I needed to get it out of my brain. There are many different definitions of what "Open Source". We can have a lovely argument over a pint as to whether GPLv3 is too open or if a licence which hasn't been validated by the OSI counts. But, more fundamentally, I think Open Source roughly falls into seven levels. These aren't in any particular order of importance. And feel free to argue in the comments if you think I've radically misunderstood something. 1. Look…

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The (theoretical) risks of open sourcing (imaginary) Government LLMs

A t-shirt with the slogan "Make things open it makes things better."

Last week I attended an unofficial discussion group about the future of AI in Government. As well as the crypto-bores who have suddenly pivoted their "expertise" into AI, there were lots of thoughtful suggestions about what AI could do well at a state level. Some of it is trivial - spell check is AI. Some of it is a dystopian hellscape of racist algorithms being confidently incorrect. The reality is likely to be somewhat prosaic. Although I'm no longer a civil servant, I still enjoy going to …

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Keeping a side project alive with t-shirts and cash

A selection of hats, t-shirts, mugs, and waterbottles with our logo.

My wife and I run a side project called - it is a fun little crowd-sourced memorial bench site. It's mostly fun, except when the bills come due! Most hobby sites and side projects don't cost a lot to run. Lots of services have generous free tiers to (ab)use, and they can pay well in "exposure". But OpenBenches is reaching a tipping point where it is slowly overwhelming us. We've now got nearly 300GB of photos - which means our storage and bandwidth costs are on the high side. …

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Discord is not Documentation

Some colourful blobby people constructing an FAQ. Photo by @alexasfotos on Pixabay.

I'm going to be slightly contrarian and say that I like Discord. It's great to be able to get real-time help on a problem. And it is fun to see, again in real-time, what other people are working on and struggling with. In truth, Discord is no harder to sign up to than Slack, Matrix, Gitter, IRC, or whatever. And of course Open Source projects will follow the maxim of "go where your audience are". There's no point posting everything to MySpace when everyone's already on Facebook. Do I care…

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Review: AntiSpam Bee WordPress Plugin

Comment with Japanese text. The email address is for an emergency locksmith, the link goes to a sex-doll emporium.

Someone recently complained that using JetPack's Akismet anti-spam plugin wasn't very privacy friendly. So, because I take every minor complaint as a personal rebuke, I decided to switch to AntiSpam Bee - an open source and local antispam solution. And... it's pretty good! There is the occasional false negative - but not significantly worse than JetPack. Most of the false negatives are from non-English language comments: There are settings so that you can reject comments which aren't in…

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Do open source licences cover the Ship of Theseus?

Binary code displayed on a screen.

I recently downloaded a single-page HTML template for a project I was working on. I wanted a good-looking scaffold to help me getting running quickly. The code had an attribution licence which I was happy to comply with. I ended up removing about a whole bunch of the HTML that I didn't need. That also allowed me to remove the majority of the CSS which was unused. I deleted all the JavaScript. I added some semantic markup and updated a few of the outdated coding conventions. Newer CSS was also…

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Can you follow your own getting started guide?

Binary code displayed on a screen.

I was trying to install a new open source project and was having a hell of a time. Nothing seemed to be working despite me following the tutorial to the letter. I was getting the most bizarre error messages and was on the verge of quitting to become a goat farmer, when I threw one last dice... I read the tutorial. Previously I'd been copying and pasting the instructions as I went. One step said "Make sure the bauxite configuration command is set to true" but the code provided said ./configure …

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