Video Sunglasses - Further Details

A few updates on the Video Recording Sunglasses I blogged about earlier in the week. I stuck in an 8GB microSD card and let the glasses record indefinitely. I was curious what would happen when the size of the video went over the 4GB limit imposed by FAT32 - and what happened when the memory card ran out of space. (more…) …

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A Glimpse Into The Future

My eye has been caught by a stunning new gadget - the Immortal Video Eye Gear. Head mounted 3-megapixel video camera.  Seamlessly embedded within a pair of innocuous looking sun glasses.  At £250, they're not cheap.  While battery life looks good at 2.5 hours, they can only record one hour of video. No method of playback means no deletion, so you're stuck until you can find a laptop.  No expandable memory.  Would it have been so hard to take microSD cards? Regardless of any shortcomings, ta…

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BarCampBrighton4 and High Def Video

Photo by tristan_roddis on Flickr of a wall covered in post-it notes with speaking suggestions.

Another weekend, another BarCamp.  This time the Fourth Annual BarCampBrighton. The BarCamp was excellent.  A great bunch of people.  The venue was beautiful, but the lack of walls (and floorboards!) meant that sound bleed was a problem. The problem I have with BarCamps is there are invariably two or three talks which I really want to see which have clashing timeslots. So, I decided to record the sessions I went to so that others could see them later. I really hope that future BarCamps ma…

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BBC iPlayer on your phone in 4 easy steps (and 2 hard ones)

Photo of an old Nokia N95.

I love the BBC iPlayer. Now that it works on Linux (and anything else with Flash 9) it's a really good way to catch up on shows without having to go to The Pirate Bay and wade through mountains of crap. There are only 2 problems.... 1) I can't download the shows 2) I can't stream the shows to my phone (Nokia N95 and Blackberry 8800) Now, the BBC have released a version of the iPlayer for the iPhone. As usual, the BBC has some great technical information on how it all works. Basically, the…

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