What's the point of a lecturer?

A young, beardless Terry - wearing graduation robes.

Backstory - I'm doing a taught Masters course. It's going OK. Mostly. But I've been thinking about the nature of university lecturers. This Tweet has been doing the rounds. Aaron Ansuini 🍋🪴🌱@AaronLinguiniHI EXCUSE ME, I just found out the the prof for this online course I’m taking *died in 2019* and he’s technically still giving […]

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What Super Bowl Sunday Means To Me

Bottle of Goldschlager. A transparent liquid with floating flakes of gold in it.

This could be the most important email I ever sent... Subject: Come One! Come All! Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 13:27:51 -0000 Yes, this Sunday our charming colonial cousins will be playing the American Football Superbowl!!!!!!! If you're anything like me you can contain your excitement at the thought of watching a bunch of Yanks […]

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The 10th Anniversary of the Death of the Modern Film Industry

A long time ago... Ten years ago, I posted on usenet that I'd watched a bootleg of The Phantom Menace. I discovered the post recently and it got me thinking about how little progress has been made in the digital download arena. Picture the scene, it's my first year at university and, like any good […]

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Sock And Buskin - Improv Superbowl

A handwritten poster on crumpled paper.

This is a necropost - resurrected from an ancient cassette tape. While I was studying at Carleton University in Canadaland, I joined the prestigious(?) Sock n Buskin theatre troupe. Together with "Where's the Soup", we put on an "Improv Superbowl". Basically a team version of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" The director - Jenny - […]

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