MSc - completed!

Screenshot of my graduation notification. I got a distinction!

Back in November 2020 I started studying for an MSc. And, yesterday, I got this... All done! I've got to say, it has been... an experience. I've relentlessly blogged about the process. The academic content was pretty good, but the administration by was nothing short of atrocious. Missed deadlines, unhelpful staff, incompetent tutors, and […]

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Is it faster to read or to listen?

A reel-to-reel tape recorder.

Fourteen years ago, I blogged about the future of voice. In the post, I asked these two questions - which I'd nicked from someone else: Are you faster at speaking or typing? Are you faster at reading or listening? Lots of us now use Siri, Alexa, Bixby, and the like because it is quicker to […]

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Smart Quotes and Coding Examples

Screenshot of a command line which has curly quotes.

Every so often, I copy and paste some code from a website and it utterly fails. This is probably a good reminder not to practise ✂️ & 📋 development, but it is also a reminder that "smart" formatting often trips up new students. Here are a few examples I've seen recently - produced as a […]

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What's the point of a lecturer?

A young, beardless Terry - wearing graduation robes.

Backstory - I'm doing a taught Masters course. It's going OK. Mostly. But I've been thinking about the nature of university lecturers. This Tweet has been doing the rounds. Aaron Ansuini 🍋🪴🌱@AaronLinguiniHI EXCUSE ME, I just found out the the prof for this online course I’m taking *died in 2019* and he’s technically still giving […]

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New Year's Resolution - start an MSc

A young, beardless Terry - wearing graduation robes.

New Year! New Me! I'm crap at sticking to my multiple resolutions. I think I did okay on last year's resolutions. So this year, I'm just making a single one. At the start of the Gregorian calendar 2021, I'll begin an MSc Digital and Technology Specialist. My resolution is to get my coursework in on […]

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How bad is Scotland's Computer Science Exam?

Oh noes! The computer science exams taken by 16 year olds may contain errors! BBC News Technology@BBCTechComputer science exam had coding errors admits 'coding errors' in computer science examScotland's exam body admits to a series of mistakes in one of this year's computer science tests.❤️ 23💬 1🔁 007:14 - Mon 17 October 2016 As […]

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So Why Aren't You?

Some giant question marks standing in a field. Photo by

There are few occupations that are as open, where the barrier to entry is as low as it is in web design and development. If you have the ability, and are willing to learn, you can get started without a formal education or having to pay for college courses. Most of what you need to […]

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Coding For Kids - Android

Last night I went to the Coding For Kids Barcamp. This event, organised by Emma Mulqueeny, was designed to bring together geeks, parents, kids, and educators to see if we can improve the woeful state of computer science education in this country. This is the blog version of the discussion I lead.

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