A small bug in Canada's eTA emails

Screenshot of an email showing a broken image. Alt text is visible.

There's no way that I could find to report this to the Canadian Government - and I didn't fancy trying to raise a bug report with the first Mountie I met - so here's a blog post. As part of Canada's Electronic Travel Authorisation system, prospective visitors to the country get sent emails. The email […]

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Two Anniversaries on One Day

A passport stamp from Immigration Canada. The date is 11th October 1999.

I'm off to a wedding in Canada which means dealing with the bureaucracy of the Electronic Travel Authorisation. The form asked me if I'd ever had a previous visa for Canadaland. As it happens, yes! I spent a year studying in Ottawa. Well then, said the form, you'd better tell me your old visa number. […]

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Sock And Buskin - Improv Superbowl

A handwritten poster on crumpled paper.

This is a necropost - resurrected from an ancient cassette tape. While I was studying at Carleton University in Canadaland, I joined the prestigious(?) Sock n Buskin theatre troupe. Together with "Where's the Soup", we put on an "Improv Superbowl". Basically a team version of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" The director - Jenny - […]

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Oh! Canada!

Grainy photo of three Canadian students.

This is a necropost - resurrected from one of my ancient sites - detailing some of my year studying in Canada. Hullo - finally got round to putting my pics up.  There not all wonderful, I can't remember what half of them are, but they are here anyway. All the pages have lots and lots […]

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Random photo of a building in Montreal.

This is a necropost - resurrected from one of my ancient sites - detailing some of my year studying in Canada. 17/09/1999 "Terry - you coming to Montreal with us this afternoon?" "uh...yeah..?" A quick stop by the bank to see how they had lost my $1000 (a long winded and most distressing story) and […]

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