Mobile Badvertising - Flickr & iPhone

iTunes' Web Interface saying "One moment please".

Once again, I dive into the confusing world of Mobile Internet Advertising. A world, so we're told, where the streets are paved with gold. Based on the evidence I've accumulated, mobile advertising is subject to a lot of hype and not a lot of professionalism. Take this example as seen on my BlackBerry 9000. Flickr iPhone Advert First off the bat, it gets my phone wrong. It should be using the User Agent to determine which advert to serve. Well, let's be a good consumer and click on it…

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Some thoughts on .tel

Just a few quick is yet another top level domain to go with all those other highly profitablepopular ones. You know, like .biz, .museum, .info, etc.This domain is different - this domain is single purpose. .tel's raison d'être is to abolish the business card. No more handing over little cardboard oblongs, in the glorious future, we'll just say "Visit aitch-tee-tee-pee colon slash-slash edent dot tell... No... Tell. It's spelled TEA-EE-EL. Yes. Just one EL. No, I don't know …

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MobileCampBrighton Mon, 2 Mar 2009

[Disclaimer: This event was generously sponsored by Vodafone. I am a Vodafone employee but this post does not reflect the opinions of Vodafone. I helped arrange this sponsorship and am, therefore, highly biased.] A quick review of MobileCampBrighton. Brighton is such a delightful city that it's hard to begrudge it stealing one's Saturday morning lie-in. As I wandered the laines looking for The Skiff, I was worried about how successful this BarCamp event would be. It was the same weekend as…

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iTunes Sucks. A Rational Discussion

I've largely stayed out of the Apple sphere of influence. I'm stuck on Windows XP at work and use Ubuntu at home. The first - and last - Apple product I owned was a blueberry iMac. I think it may have had an early version of OS X on it. It was fun enough, but I eventually replaced the OS with YellowDog. Now I find myself in possession of a 16GB iPhone 3G. Nice! Or so I thought. For various dull reasons, the iPhone is an unlocked Portuguese model. It was simplicity itself to set it to UK…

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