Tending To My Digital Garden

Heavily pixellated image saying "I Power Blogger".

I've written over 3,000 blog posts throughout the years. This blog has become a repository of my thoughts, feelings, experiments, hopes, and creations. It has also become outdated, buggy, and suffers from link-rot. So, every day, I tend to my digital garden. I go in to old posts and check that the links are still […]

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Replacing Twitter Embeds With Images

Screenshot from Twitter. 2017-03-02T22:27:56.000Z. Terence Eden is on Mastodon (@edent). THREAD! This is what Twitter threads *actually* look like. They're not linear conversations, they're branching organic trees. https://t.co/gr4b0cCV4v

I logged into Twitter using a fresh account last week. No followers, no preferences set. The default experience was an unending slurry of racism and porn. I don't care to use Twitter any more. Whatever good that was there is now drowned in a cess-pit of violent filth. I still have a lot of Tweets […]

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Corporate Blogging is Hard; Open a GitHub Issue Instead

The Prisoner from the 1960s TV show giving the "be seeing you" sign.

(Inspired by this conversation between Jukesie and Himal) Lots of companies encourage their staff to blog. It's free PR! It makes them look like they're on the cutting edge of technology! It helps with recruitment! It can also be a corporate nightmare. What if the developer says something stupid? What if it accidentally reveals something […]

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An end to daily blogging

Screenshot of a calendar of my daily blogging.

If you explore this blog's archives, you'll see that I've been blogging continuously every day since the start of 2020. Before that, I was blogging every month since mid-2008. Today, I am very hungover. Although I usually write a bunch of posts a few days and weeks in advance, I find myself looking at my […]

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It was twenty years ago today

Heavily pixellated image saying "I Power Blogger".

I wrote my first public blog post on 2004-05-110. I immediately followed it up with a brief review of my BlackBerry1. I kept up the blogging for a few months, then it trickled off. I preferred posting on Usenet and other primitive forms of social media. But, by 2007, I was back to blogging on […]

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While attending IndieWebCamp in Brighton a few weeks ago, a bunch of us were talking about blogging. What is post? What should it contain? What's optional? Someone (probably Jeremy Keith said: A blog post doesn't need a title. In a literal sense, he was wrong. The HTML specification makes it clear that the <title> element […]

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3,000 blog posts!

The Logo for WordPress.

This is the 3,000th blog post I've published on this site! Bloody hell! I first started a blog on Blogger.com in 2004 - twenty years ago. Like all blogs, I managed half a dozen posts before I forgot about it. Cut to 2007 and I decided to launch shkspr.mobi as a weird site dedicated to […]

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Caboom! Comment Anywhere, Bring Onto Own Media

A pet cat typing on a computer keyboard.

In the IndieWeb movement there's a concept of "POSSE" - Publish Once, Simultaneously Syndicate Elsewhere. You should publish your words, pictures, songs, reviews on your own site. And then you can choose to share them out to where your audience is. Perhaps that's posting the link on Facebook, or a copy of a photo on […]

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A library of all my book reviews

A grid of books with their titles and star ratings.

One of the things I love about having a database-backed blog like WordPress is that's it opens up a delightful range of possibilities for displaying content. I've read and reviewed around 300 books over the last few years. So I wrote a scrap of code which goes through all my book reviews, grabs their cover […]

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Displaying internal linkbacks on WordPress

Screenshot of my website. The headline says "What links here from around this site." Underneath are three links.

I have written a lot of blog posts. In some of those posts I link to other posts on my site. What's the easiest way of displaying those internal incoming links? Here's what it looks like: Code All we need to do is search WordPress for the URl of the current page. Loop through the […]

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