Book Review: The Intergalactic Omniglot - Jenni Fleetwood (1988)

Paperback book cover. A UFO rises behind a young man. The Boy is holding what looks like a foldable Gameboy.

Turns out, you can just relive your childhood for £2.99 on eBay! I was exactly the right age when this book came out, and I was the perfect target audience. A boy in a sleepy suburb finds a mysterious device which allows him to understand every language. Could it be… Aliens?!?!?! It's all biking to […]

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The Bite

3D printed jaw with resin scaffolding.

A glistening pool of blood gently wept from the body. Crimson gore sparkled under rapid flash photography as it loosely clung to the wounds. So many wounds. Too many for this to have been an accident. "Bite marks," said the forensics officer. "A lot of bite marks." The detective peered at the ragged corpse. It […]

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Book Review: Dystopia X - A.E. Currie

Book cover.

Another one in the Panopticon series. Bouncy sci-fi which scattershoots its plots all over the place. VR, Mission to Mars, evil AI, underwater cities, eyeless technomages - this has it all. It probably has a little too much crammed in. But, hey, it's a great ride. A cliffhanger every other chapter, vaguely plausible science, and […]

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Book Review: Relic - Alan Dean Foster

Book cover - a human stands on a desolate moon looking at the Earth.

This is a decent slice of sci-fi. It's the sort of story that probably could have been written any time in the last 100 years. The sole survivor of the human race is picked up by friendly aliens and spends his life as a specimen of scientific and cultural curiosity. And then... events occur! It's […]

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Book Review: The Terraformers - Annalee Newitz

Book cover showing a towering structure covered in plants.

This is a fascinating story told on an almost geological timescale. It is a tantalisingly glimpse, into a much larger world. It is a story of contradiction - there's an epic universe, but we're stuck in a parochial backwater. It is full of un-human creations - yet its politics are firmly a reflection of the […]

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Movie Review: If You Were The Last

Movie poster. Two astronauts lie next to each other looking up at an unforgiving sky.

The 2016 film "Passengers", with Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt, is a gruesome study in "because of the implication". JLaw's character wakes on a spaceship to discover that only Pratt's character is alive and has prematurely roused her from her slumber. She has, in effect, been murdered and the only way she can pacify this […]

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Book Review: Sea of Tranquillity by Emily St. John Mandel

Book cover. A person floating in the sea with a large moon behind them.

Is it possible to write a time-travel story which makes sense? Probably not - but this comes close! It's a bit of a slow-burn; not revealing its secrets until it is good and ready. If you've read a lot of time-hopping sci-fi you won't find anything too surprising; nothing can escape the long shadow of […]

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Book Review: Hamlet, Prince of Robots by M. Darusha Wehm

Book cover featuring the neon glow of a circuit in the shape of a human skull. It wears a glowing crown.

The best thing about Shakespeare is that you can endlessly redefine the stories. Romeo & Juliet works as well set in NYC to a musical score as it does set in fair Verona. The Tempest is just as good whether the action takes place on an island or an alien planet. Shakespeare can be set […]

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Book Review - Embroidered Worlds: Fantastic Fiction From Ukraine & The Diaspora

An old Ukrainian woman smokes a pipe. Is she a cyborg or a creature of legend?

I don't usually back Kickstarter campaigns - but I love sci-fi & fantasy, and I don't think I've previously read any from Ukraine. So this was an instant buy - and it is a delight. As with any translation, you have to accept that the phrasing may sound a little "foreign" and you won't immediately […]

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Book Review: Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick

Book cover.

Imagine a world with inter-city rockets, where tourists still use film cameras. Where self-driving trucks sport a wide array of sensor apparatus and record all their data onto miles of magnetic tape. Where the latest Androids are life-like and can perfectly clone a dead man's speech, yet are powered by punch-cards. People make video calls […]

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