Is Synthetarianism Compatible With Veganism?

Breaded drumsticks - with a bone sticking out of them.

Lab grown meat is nearly here. To be fair, it has been "nearly" here for a long long long long long time. But with the imminent arrival of lab-grown meat, it is time to investigate Synthetarianism. A diet of Synthetic food. I haven't eaten meat for... oh... 20 years now. I live with a carnivore but, despite her amazing cooking, I've no real desire to eat animal flesh. I'm sure it tastes nice to you, but my (smug) morals just don't allow it. But is it morally OK to eat synthetic meat? I…

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Review: 小鳳腿 (Vegan "Chicken" Drumsticks)

Breaded drumsticks - with a bone sticking out of them.

I'm a sucker for weird veggie-friendly foods! I especially love discovering what other countries and cultures do to replicate their meaty dishes in veggie friendly formats. So I was delighted to find a local store to me selling all manner of Chinese meat-substitutes - including these amazing looking "Chicken" Drumsticks! I ordered a bunch and cooked them up. The "bone" sticking out of the end is bamboo. Chewable and sweet - but probably not for swallowing unless you really need extra…

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Make your hackday vegan

A projected screen at a conference, it says that all lunch boxes will be vegan.

I go to lots of conferences, unconferences, hackdays, and tech events. As a vegetarian, I'm used to being relegated to second-class when it comes to event catering. If I'm lucky, I get some cheese sandwiches mingled with a plate of meaty snacks. That's why I was overjoyed at ODF Plugfest Rome when the organisers made this announcement: Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edent"All lunch boxes will be vegan (so that everyone can eat everything)"THANK YOU! #LibOCon17 #odfplugfest Sensible inclusive…

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