The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Series 5
To celebrate the upcoming series Doctor Who staring Jodie Whittaker, I'm attempting to chronicle all the mobile phones used in previous shows.
If you think you've spotted something that's not listed here, or think I've made a mistake, drop it in the comments.
You can follow along with all 10 series.
Rory / The Doctor - The Eleventh Hour
Back when Matt Smith first joined the TARDIS, I wrote a whole blog post about his phone.
It starts off belonging to Rory.
And then The Doctor nabs it to send a virus to the mothership via MMS. True story.

It's the good old BlackBerry Storm.
Amy - The Eleventh Hour
What does the stylish young lady of 2009 rock?

Bit of an obscure one, this. Nokia 7100 Supernova in Jelly Red.

I don't usually do this - people in the background holding phones - but these shots were so clear, I thought I'd include them.
The bloke's slider is a Samsung, based on the camera layout. It looks like the S5200 but the front button layout is wrong.
The pink touchscreen is also a Samsung. The logo and speaker placement lead me to think this is the similarly named S5230.
If you think I'm wrong, let me know!
Vampires of Venice
Rory's got his BlackBerry Storm back from the Doctor. Hope he doesn't post those photos on MySpace!
The Hungry Earth
Bit of an odd one this. The Doctor asks for all the camcorders and mobile phones available so they can monitor where the Silurians are attacking from. Throughout the sequence we see loads of camcorders - far more than any normal family would have - but only one phone.
Here's Rory sticking it to a Weeping Angel.
The raised camera and swooping shoulders lead me to conclude that it's a Samsung flipper. I had thought it was the M300:
But that looks a little too thin. Samsung made lots of flippers in this style. Can anyone help narrow it down?
The Lodger
Smithy and Sophie both have phones. We never see more than this of Sophie's:
We get a bit more detail of Smithy's device: Touchscreen, seems to charge at the top, thick. It is quite obviously the Samsung B7610 OmniaPRO! Big slide-out keyboard so he can update his Excel sheets on the move.
Perfect phone casting!
What's in Series 6?
A great start to the Matt Smith era - a nice smattering of devices - but what does the future hold?
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