
As befitting my status as The Cheese Lord, I decided to hold a Cheesemas party this year. What is Cheesemas? Last year we held a wine tasting. Which is a posh way of saying that we bought lots of bottles of nice wine, printed out tasting notes, and pretended we knew what we were talking about. This is the same. But with cheese. LOTS of cheese. Where to get lots of good cheese? Luckily, a Cheesemonger has opened a shop nearby - Jericho Cheese. Serving a selection of the finest British &…

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Headphones displaying album art

A woman wearing headphones.

Many years ago, when I worked for a mobile phone company, a group of us were encouraged to come up with crazy ideas which the organisation could patent. I had one idea come this close to getting through until someone found an unnervingly similar patent and the whole thing was dropped. Well, it has been a dozen years and no one has released my killer idea, so I'm setting it free. It's simple. A set of Bluetooth headphones with a built in display to show off album artwork. Here's a quick…

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