...not Terance, Terrence, Terrance, Terense, Tarance, or any other variation. "Terence" is spelt with one T, a thrice of Es, and a single R, N, and C. The letter A should be conspicuous by its absence. The letter R is an only child. The letter S has no place in my name. Those people caught transgressing these very simple rules with be placed on The List. FFS! My name is on the email I sent you, I sign off with it, it's there on my work pass, at the top of my blog, etc. Do I actually need to …
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I'm sat here, in my dressing gown. My fingers are greasy from eating crisps all morning. My back aches because I spent all night playing a stupid video game. The gin hangover isn't helping either. My week off work has been a wash out. I didn't write any code, I didn't cook anything other than pizza, and I'm beginning to smell of used dish water. I log on to Facebook - and this is what I see, all complete with photos of smiling people doing awesome things. Melody checked in at Bury Lane…
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This is a very hard post for me to write. I've recently finished reading two autobiographies. Both cover the same story. A boy - a nerd - has success in the fickle world of acting. Both stories tell of series of choices made. In one, the boy soars to great heights. In the other, the boy is bought back to Earth with a thump - seemingly never to succeed again. The first is by Simon Pegg, the second by Wil Wheaton. What's so hard is that both stories feel like they could have been written…
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I've never been good at growing facial hair. When I was at university, I tried growing a beard for a play I was in. The play was a resounding success - my beard was not. Thin, straggly, patchy, and itchy. At the aftershow party, I put the beard's fate to a vote. All the men in the cast voted to keep my rugged pursuit of manliness. All the women voted to destroy the womp-rat nestling on my face - preferably with fire. So the beard went. I drunkenly staggered to the bathroom, drunkenly…
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As I start another gruelling month of blog posts for NaBloPoMo, it strikes me that I've had an incredibly busy year. 12 months ago, I was working at IPC Media - doing all sorts of interesting mobile stuff for them. Launching around 28 mobile versions of their existing websites. I then went and joined WAC for a few months, going off to MWC, and really getting stuck in to their standards processes. I am currently at InMobi - the world's largest independent mobile advertising network - where I …
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I regularly get contacted by recruitment consultants. Even though I'm very happy in my job right now (Hi Boss!) I usually don't mind being contacted. However, after having just had a particularly disturbing encounter with a recruiter, I thought it might be worth stating these rules up front. These are personal to me - but I expect they apply pretty broadly to most people. Don't email my work address. Tell me who your client is up front. Don't lie to me. Don't alter my CV.…
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I'm dreadful at setting goals. Personally and professionally, I drift to whatever takes my fancy. Planning what I want to have for dinner in the evening is an unfathomable prospect. I can't comprehend how friends can have calendars showing every meal for the week in advance. To me, that's a crazy, OCD-esque level of organisation. I am simultaneously bemused and full of admiration for people like SpaceKate - she has goal to get to space in the next 10 years. Comedian - and blogger for 9…
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