Not everyone is as good at reading and writing as you are

"How To Fake Lile You Are Nice And Caring." A still from the film Magnolia.

It may be hard for you to understand this; reading is a skill. Unless you have recently started learning a new language with an unfamiliar writing system, you probably do not remember the tedious and agonising process of having to train your brain to recognise printed characters. Extracting meaning from the words you are reading is seamless. The occasional antediluvian aphorism notwithstanding, your eyes glide across the page and your brain rapidly fills with thoughts. I can feel your fingers …

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It's a process; not a product

A pet cat typing on a computer keyboard.

Sometimes a client asks me a question and I'm a little stunned by their mental model of the world. A few weeks ago, we were discussing the need for better cybersecurity in their architecture. We spoke about several aspects of security, then they asked an outstanding question. "What should I buy to be secure?" It took a few moments to tease out exactly what they thought they were asking. In their mental model they could just buy a box which did what they needed. Want to print from any…

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Laziest Possible Dark-Mode Toggle - Using :has() and invert()

A dark website with a photo of a kitten.

I'm not saying this is a good way to make a dark mode website. I'm not even saying it's a sensible way to do dark mode. But I'm pretty sure this is the laziest way of getting dark mode on your site. And it is all done with less than a handful of CSS rules. It relies on the new-ish :has() CSS pseudo class and the positively ancient filter() CSS function. Here's the code in all its glory: body:has( > #dark-mode-checkbox:checked ) { filter: invert(1); background: #000; } …

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Find WordPress featured images with no alt text

The Logo for WordPress.

WordPress allows you to set a featured image - called a "thumbnail" in the API. This gives a single image which can be used on a listing page, or shown when a post is shared on social media. The WordPress Media Library lets you set the alt text of an image. But, crucially, this alt text can be different when the image is used as a featured image. Here's how to find all your featured images which don't have alt text. One Liner Paste this into wp shell to get a list. foreach (get_posts(…

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I think I kind of hate lazy loading

An icon representing a broken image.

Yesterday I was on a train. I clicked on a link and my browser loaded a long article for me to read. Halfway through reading it, the train went into a tunnel and I lost signal. That meant I couldn't see the images on the other half of the page for the rest of the journey. I had a sea of broken images. Even though the page had fully loaded, the images were set to "lazy" loading. When my browser sees <img src="example.jpg" loading="lazy" /> it defers downloading the picture until it is about …

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Should you embed alt text inside image metadata?

Screenshot showing technical details of the metadata on a photo. It contains a copyright notice.

Not everyone can see the images you post online. They may have vision problems, they may have a slow connection, or they might be using a text-only browser. How can we let them know what the image shows? The answer is alt text. In HTML we can add a snippet of text to aid accessibility. For example <img src="monalisa.jpg" alt="A painting of the Mona Lisa."> Most social networks will let users add alt text to help describe their images. Brilliant! But... People don't always add alt text when…

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This link is only available by keyboard navigation

The HTML5 Logo.

There's a link, right here ➡️⬅️ but, if you're on a touchscreen, you can't tap on it. Using a mouse? Nope, that won't work either. The only way to navigate to it is via keyboard navigation. Hit your Tab ⭾ button! There's a little bit of me wants to build an entire website which can only be navigated by keyboard. What would the world look like if Engelbart never invented the mouse? Or if Johnson never published his work on touchscreens? Anyway, there are two ways to do this. The first is to …

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Unicode Roman Numerals and Screen Readers

Screenshot of a Table of Roman numerals in Unicode.

How would you read this sentence out aloud? "In Hamlet, Act Ⅳ, Scene Ⅸ..." Most people with a grasp of the interplay between English and Latin would say "In Hamlet, Act four, scene nine". And they'd be right! But screen-readers - computer programs which convert text into speech - often get this wrong. Why? Well, because I didn't just type "Uppercase Letter i, Uppercase Letter v". Instead, I used the Unicode symbol for the Roman numeral 4 - Ⅳ. And, it turns out, lots of screen-readers have …

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How to style your alt text

Photo of a broken and smashed picture frame. Taken by eastbeach on Flickr.

Every day is a school day. I'd recently seen a post about highlighting images without alt text. That got me thinking. Is it possible to style alt text? Yes. Yes it is. And it's pretty simple. Well, OK, it's CSS, so simple is a relative term! Let's take a broken image like <img src="" alt="The best quality photo of bigfoot!" /> There are two slightly different ways to style the text. The simplest way is to give the image some CSS relating to its font, colour,…

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Twitter's archive doesn't have alt text - but Mastodon's does!

The Twitter logo drawn in circles.

Because I don't trust Alan, the Hyperprat who now runs Twitter, I decided to download my Twitter archive before setting my account to dormant. About a decade ago, I wrote about how the Twitter archive works and where it is deficient. Things have got better, but there are still annoying limitations. For example, Hannah Kolbeck - founder of the Alt Text Reminder Bot recently pointed out that there's no alt text in the archives. Here's a snippet of Twitter's JSON for an image I posted: …

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Woohoo! WordPress accepted my accessibility PR

Screenshot of a box to enter alt text. It is two lines high and is resizeable.

About 2.5 years ago I proposed a small accessibility improvement to WordPress. It has taken a bit longer than I'd hoped but, as of WordPress 6.1 it has been merged! Now, if you're using the Classic editor, you'll get a larger and resizeable box for entering alt text. Because the text entry uses <textarea> most browsers will also show any spelling errors. Good spelling is essential for people who use text-to-speech to read out alt text. Huge thanks to the WordPress team for doing all the…

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Different ways to do separators in horizontal text

The HTML5 Logo.

Quite often on the web, you'll see a set of "things" with a separator between them. For example, at the top of this post, you'll see Thing 1 | Something Else | Another Thing. This provides clear visual separation between logical groups. But there are a couple of problems. Firstly, the separator character may not be interpreted correctly by screen readers. They may read out "Vertical Pipe", which isn't very user friendly. Similarly, robots may not attach the correct semantics to the…

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