Broadcasting vinyl over my LAN - ALSA2ChromeCast

Icecast admin page.

Previously, on the Terence Eden Adventures: I accidentally won a load of vinyl on eBay, and I bought the cheapest record player I could find. The record player has USB output. So I shoved it into a Rock Pi S - an SBC similar to a Raspberry Pi - to broadcast vinyl all over my house via ChromeCast! Here's how. Detect the audio Install alsa-utils if they're not already present. Find your hardware with arecord -l One of the outputs should be: card 2: Microphone [USB Microphone], device…

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Inside a £30 record player

A circuit board.

I accidentally bought a load of vinyl records. So I decided to buy the cheapest, shittiest, turntable possible. This is the E1372. Made by Jia Yin King Technologies. This is sold under a variety of names and costs about £30 including postage from China. It's a plastic shell, motor, and ADC (Analogue to Digital Converter), which is powered via USB. It is the cheapest brand new player I could find. Here's a disassembly walkthough, an analysis of how well it works, and some Linux info. …

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