Doctor Who and Red Dwarf are part of the same universe. PROOF!

Tardis and starbug.

This is a minor obsession of mine. The crew of JMC Red Dwarf are familiar with 20th Century pop-culture - but they never mention Doctor Who. Why? In various episodes they talk about The Flintstones, Casablanca, Marilyn Monroe, Laurel & Hardy, and all sorts of TV shows. But Doctor Who is strangely absent. There can only be one logical explanation. Lister and the gang exist the same universe as The Doctor. He has saved the Earth many times, and has deleted himself from their history. Now, I…

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How to become an award-winning cosplayer on the cheap

Me dressed up as Rimmer from Red Dwarf..

I love cosplay. Or, rather, I love the utter joy which leads people to dress up like their favourite characters. This is the story of how I won 2nd prize in a beauty contest for dressing up. It seems to me, there are three ways to find success with cosplay: Be pretty and coat yourself with colourful latex. Spend a lot of time, money, and effort on building/buying an incredible costume. Cheat! I am not body-confident enough to go for the skintight option. And I've previously gone down the…

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