This is pitched as the first gay love story from a major Hollywood studio. I don't know how true that claim is - but I do know this is a funny and sweet movie. When I was at University at the turn of the century, there was a guy in our halls named "Big Gay Gareth". He was my go-to guy when I had questions about the insidious homosexualist agenda. He was instrumental in helping me understand what was, at the time, termed the QUILTBAG world. There were such a bewildering array of terms,…
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I couldn't find this movie on any streaming service - but I took a flight to New Zealand an it was on the in-flight entertainment. Not the cheapest way to watch a film! Whina tells the true story of Josephina Cooper, a Maori woman fighting for her rights, and the rights of her people. The film doesn't sugar-coat the story. Whina was headstrong and, it would appear, sometimes a bit difficult to get along with. I've no idea how true to life it is, but the story is compelling and powerful. …
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This is a perfect movie. It's packed full of little in-jokes and fourth-wall-breaking asides. It is smart, funny, and incredibly well paced. Honestly, it doesn't have a duff moment in it. If you've never seen Agatha Christie's "The Mousetrap" - I strongly advise you to watch it before this film. No, you probably don't need to - but it adds to the metatextual delights. Is the "Whodunnit" aspect a bit obvious? Well, yes. But that's telegraphed in the opening minutes when one character…
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More on my experiments with silly Punycode domain names. http://↑↑↓↓←→←→ Yup, copy and paste that into your browser and it will resolve. (more…) …
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I returned home from holiday to a pile of letters. Mostly junk, a few Christmas cards, and something from the NHS. This is what the envelope looked like: As it happens, I'm not particularly concerned about who knows I had a fairly normal medical procedure. I've blogged a bit about it and Tweeted about the experience in an attempt to de-stigmatise it. Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentReplying to @edentMorning folks!I survived the night, and now have a couple of hours to wait until someone…
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Codeberg is a hip new code hosting site - similar to GitHub and GitLab. And, much like Gits Hub & Lab, users can serve static content through Codeberg pages. Somehow I screwed up my configuration, and when I visited I got this error: Now, whenever I see something from the request echoed into the page's source, my hacker-sense starts tingling. What happens if I shove an innocent HTML element into the URl?<em>123 Aha! It lets through…
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Picture the scene. You're in a pub and order, say, a cider or a cocktail. The local pub bore pipes up "What are you drinking that for? Real men drink..." and then names a brand of generic, piss-weak lager that is his substitute for a personality. He's the same guy who insists that "real men" watch football, and can't quite believe that you have no opinion on last night's cup final. This sort of behaviour is sometimes terms "fragile masculinity". It isn't that masculinity itself is a weak and…
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