Week Notes 5

Short week! Monday was a bank holiday (mostly recovering from my mate Pete's wedding) and Friday was off to EMF Camp.

But, I managed to get some work done!


And the accompanying blog post


Majority of my time spend on helping run a design sprint for improving some NHS processes with Data Science. At my dark moments, I wonder if we can ever break free of the inefficiencies of paper and fax.


Submitted a request to The European Multi Stakeholder Platform (MSP) - the expert advisory group on ICT standardisation - for HTML5. We have to make sure that modern standards are quickly adopted and promoted.


A little quirk with XML files. Not an earth-shattering bug, but it annoyed me. Fixed by Deborah Chua.

Reading List

What books I've read this week. Thanks to Net Galley for some of the review copies. Affiliate links ahead.


  • Edna's Death Cafe - Angelena Boden
    • An unconvincing soap-opera of a novel. The dialogue is sub-Archers and the "twist" is shocking to no one. There's a beautiful gem of a story in here - revolving around how we talk about death and dying. But it is smothered in a dappy plot.


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One thought on “Week Notes 5”

  1. Thank you for taking time to review my book, Edna's Death Cafe. All opinions are welcomed and valued. I am so glad you respected the key theme of the book - the need to talk about death and dying.

What links here from around this blog?

  1. A shady looking woman makes a phone call. Book Review: Can You Ever Forgive Me? - Lee Israel
  2. Book cover showing a UFO beaming up a cow. Book Review: Conspiracy: A History of Boll*cks Theories, and How Not to Fall for Them - Tom Phillips & Jonn Elledge

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