Newvember - New Job!

Welcome to my yearly NaBloPoMo - where I attempt to publish a new blog post every day in November.

This year is likely to be challenging as I've just started a new job. As of last month, I am the Open Standards Lead at Government Digital Service - part of Cabinet Office.

As ever, this blog is personal - and never reflects the views of my employers, past-, present-, or future! I am also now bound by the Civil Service Code which, hopefully, won't cause any issues considering the nonsense I usually publish.

As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I've been working in "mobile" for 15 years. That's a long time in any one industry - so I guess this is my attempt to break out of a huge comfort zone and try something new.

I've long been an admirer of GDS. When I heard about this role, I jumped at the chance to influence how digital standards are managed within Government. Like any large organisation, it has its challenges, but I've been pleasantly surprised by how smoothly the first few weeks have gone. I've got a shiny new security badge, MacBook, and email address. I've inherited a Trello board bursting with ideas, and am working with a smart bunch of people.

So far, the hardest thing is coping with the commute. Sadly "Great" Western Railways have a hard time providing a reliable service and my sub-hour journeys usually end up late. Still, an expensive and overcrowded service is better than... errr... well... Perhaps I'll start working from home more!

Overall, it's good to face a big challenge. A bit daunting - but isn't that what makes a challenge worthwhile?


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2 thoughts on “Newvember - New Job!”

  1. Alex Gibson says:

    Good gig! Hope you enjoy it, and having recently been working on a contract in Farringdon, commiserations on your transport (non)options, hopefully GDS can show how digital ventures can be less monolithic and more agile, and be a beacon to the transport department (or just make them less necessary).

    On that, I recently asked (F)GW(R) why I need to sign in to their wi-fi upwards of 4 times a day. Also said that the length of their terms and conditions so hugely outweighs the financial value of the amenity provided that I don't believe it is enforceable - so nobody wins, and I suggested a 'wi-fi season ticket'. Offered professional services assistance on the UX.

    They haven't got back to me.


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