I've written a very basic JIL widget to launch dabr. You can grab it from https://shkspr.mobi/Dabr.wgt I've tested this to work on the Vodafone 360 H1 - but it should work with any JIL handset. Because it isn't certified, you may need to dial *#35767# to remove the H1's security check. The code is very simple. The JIL SDK allows you to call specific phone application - in this case, all I've done is invoked the browser. <body> <script type="text/javascript"> W…
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Jasper Fforde releases upgrade patches for his books. If he has made an error of fact, created a plot hole or missspelt a word - you can download an upgrade for your book. How cool is that? He also has a "cut scenes" repository where you can see the chapters which were cruelly cut by his editor. There's even a director's commentary available. Along with behind the scenes material, pre-production artwork and a huge array of special features. He has, to my mind, redefined the novel. His …
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I've been blown away by the number of comments and visits to my original review of the 511EB. To clarify some of the points and answer some questions, I've decided to post another video review. This shows the speed of page turning and some of the idiosyncrasies of the eReader. Run VT, Errol! Startup Screen Click to download full size I've set my startup screen to show my phone number and email address. Combined with the startup password, it's a fairly simple way to protect your device…
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As you may know, I'm a supporter of the Open Rights Group. They're the campaigning group dedicated to protecting our online civil liberties. I pay them £5 per month, I think you should join them too. I'm not just putting my money where my mouth is. I'm also standing for the Board of Directors. I was nominated by the wise and talented duo of Suw Charman-Anderson & Basheera Khan. As part of the election, I have to produce a 400 word statement. I want to make ORG more member lead - and …
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