QRpedia at Over The Air 11 - Ignite

Terence Eden standing in front of a projection screen.

Here's the Ignite Talk I gave at #OTA11 last month. https://shkspr.mobi/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Terence-Eden-@-Over-The-Air-k_3Dwb1eDw4.webm Video by DanGEMurphy QRpedia - Ignite talk at OTA11 from Terence Eden …

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QRpedia In The News

© Caroline Mockett As I stepped onto the stage at OverTheAir 11 to present QRpedia, I was buoyed by the overwhelming reception that it received on the Interwebs over the last few days. Here's a quick roundup. It all started with a blog post on Wikimedia. ReadWriteWeb called QRpedia Probably the Coolest QR Thingy Ever Made! This was syndicated into the New York Times. Gizmodo gave QRpedia a great write up. The Hipster Effect talks about how QRpedia enables rapid access to …

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