Movie Review: Dave Made A Maze

Movie poster featuring lots of cardboard.Well, this is an unexpected treat!

What happens if you build a maze you can't get out of? How many people do you inadvertently drag in to your craziness? Are you responsible if they get hurt by the traps you set for yourself?

Remember that 1990s horror movie "Cube"? This has exactly the same vibe. Except all the rooms are made of cardboard. And the deaths are… well, no spoilers - but funny.

It is billed as a comedy-horror. But the horror isn't visceral - and the comedy is close to absurdist. It's sort of like Joe's Apartment in that - if you can accept the fantasy - it is quite magical. It has the feel of a student film inexplicably given a big budget. There are loads of great ideas in there which, coupled with some truly amazing shots all adds up to a splendid, if weird, movie.


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