VR Review: Moss 2

Did you enjoy the game Moss? This is a sequel which is identical to the original. The graphics are identical, the gameplay is identical, the puzzles are identical. There are a couple of slightly new mechanics and a new playable character (also a mouse). But it is fundamentally more of the same.

So I suggest you read my review of the original.

Seriously, there isn't much else to say here. The story is a jumble of ethereal nonsense. The enemies are defeated by rather dull button-mashing. And collecting all the collectables doesn't really do anything. It is gorgeous, and beautifully animated. If you're happy with an expansion pack for the first game, you'll be happy with this.

A mouse in a clockwork puzzle.

The puzzles are a little repetitive - but they make good use of the VR system; you'll often use your hands or have to peer behind something.

A mouse wandering around a crypt.

It's fairly gentle and - although the enemies can be a little frustrating - there are plenty of tutorials. You'll need to remove your helmet to watch them though!


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