OpenBenches at GeoMob London

Last week, Liz and I had the great pleasure of speaking at GeoMob London - a meet-up for digital geography nerds.

We gave a talk about OpenBenches and how far it has come since launch. It blows our minds that we've have over TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND unique benches added to the site. And it is a little daunting to host nearly a quarter of a terabyte of photos from around the world.

We got lots of great feedback (and free beer). Yes, it was weird to be in a crowded lecture theatre again. And weirder still to be in a crowded pub talking about mapping with friends new and old.

Liz and Terence standing in a lecture theatre, presenting their work. All in all, an excellent night out.

You can read a summary of the event at:

Along with some nice feedback:

Our presentation wasn't recorded, but you can flick through it:

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