All the books I've read this year

Last year, I set myself a challenge to only read books by women. I got through 42 books - not bad for a pandemic!

This year I was more relaxed - I just picked books which took my fancy. And a few that I needed to read for my MSc. Quite a few came from NetGalley which gives out Advance Reader Copies. So I got to read unpublished books for free in exchange for a review.

My year starts in mid-November (my blog, my rules) and, I'm somewhat surprised to say, I read 85 books!

85 Book Covers.

I try to spend what would have been my commuting time, nose-deep in my eReader. And I usually read when my wife is digitally executing people on the games console.

A few stats:

  • 42 Fiction / 43 non-Fiction
    • I try to alternate what I read - and am successful.
  • 51 Female / 34 Male
    • I wasn't consciously trying to pick one gender, but I'm pleased to say I'm addressing my lifetime imbalance.
    • Although some authors were Trans, none identified as non-binary. Author recommendations welcome!
    • Some books were compilations or had multiple authors. I've used their lead author.
  • Average rating: 3.89
    • Average Female rating: 4.19
    • Average Male rating: 3.44
  • Average Fiction rating: 3.98
    • Average Female Fiction rating: 4.16
    • Average Male Fiction rating: 3.61
  • Average Non-Fiction rating: 3.80
    • Average Female Non-Fiction rating: 4.22
    • Average Male Non-Fiction rating: 3.33

I am such a generous reviewer. Maybe I only read things which are above average? The books I marked down, I absolutely hated.

I didn't keep any stats on author's disabilities, race, religion, or age. Do feel free to go through my old posts and do those calculations for me.

I've promised myself that I won't buy any more books until I've read all the ones I've already downloaded. Let's see how long that lasts! But, if you want to buy me a book from my wishlist that'd be fine 😁

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2 thoughts on “All the books I've read this year”

What links here from around this blog?

  1. Montage of about 42 book covers. All the books I read this year
  2. A montage of 52 book covers. Every Book I Read This Year

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