Anatomy of my perfect ls command
Mostly notes to myself. Nestled away in my Linux Bash profile, I have this one-liner
alias lh='ls -trhgGN --color=always | cut -d" " -f4-'
When I run lh
it outputs a list of files in the directory, showing their size, with the newest files on the bottom. I use this regularly to see what I've downloaded recently and how big the files are - so I made an alias.
Here's how it works.
Alias is a Jester in disguise useful Linux tool which lets you create a shortcut to a complicated command. Every flavour of Linux has a different place to store them, so do a bit of RTFM to find out where to put your commands.
is the standard file listing tool. It has lots of options.
sort by time in reverse order-h
human readable size format. Shows in KB, MB, GB, rather than just bytes-g
don't show the owner of the file-G
don't show the group the file belongs to-N
don't quote the file names--color=always
always colours the output, making it easier to differentiate between fields
There's no way to suppress the file permissions in ls
so we need to pipe to cut
takes a string and chops it up.
-d" "
the delimiter is the space character, cut will separate the string by the delimiter, each separated section is a field.-f4-
print the fourth field and any subsequent field
Putting it all together
"When I type lh
, please list the files in reverse time order, showing the file size but not the owners or groups, don't quote the names, and keep the colouring - then discard the first 3 columns."
Thanks to Maddison Hellstrom for the help.
Craig Heath says:
Craig Heath says:
Dragon Cotterill says:
is already part ofLS_OPTIONS
or something.