Game Review: Night in the Woods
I'm playing through the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. You can follow along with all my game reviews.
Night in the Woods is a cute looking indie game, with one fatal flaw. Nothing happens in it.
I gave the game an hour or so, and all I did was walk left and right and click next in the dialogue. There are a few dialogue options, but that doesn't alter the course of the game.
I think I must be missing something. The game gets rave reviews... but for what? There are no choices, no interactivity, no puzzles. It felt like watching a cartoon where I had to repeatedly thump the space bar to progress the dialogue.
There's a weird dungeon crawler mini-game and a Guitar Hero wannabe. But that's it. The Guitar Hero is pretty pointless because it doesn't use popular songs. And whether you hit the notes or miss them all - nothing changes.
There are hints of a story. Something to do with you killing a kid. Or your grandad dying. But it is pretty sparse. I don't know if the story develops, or gets any better because it was so boring.
Graphics and music are charming. But that's not enough.
Am I wrong? Do let me know if it's worth progressing.
Mallory says: