What I've Been Up To

For the last few months, I've been squirrelled away at IPC Media working on their Mobile Products.

We've recently launched the Decanter World Wine Awards app on iPhone, Android, and Nokia (with BlackBerry coming soon). Thanks to the amazing team at Grapple for all their help.

I'm now incredibly proud to announce the launch of the mobile sites I've been working on for IPC - goodtoknow - Marie Claire - Now Magazine!

Point your phone at them and feast on the mobile goodness.

A selection of screenshots for your edification and delight.

Screenshots of several mobile websites.

As ever, this is a personal blog and does not reflect the views or opinions of IPC Media.

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One thought on “What I've Been Up To”

  1. says:

    Hi Terence Great work! There are some brilliant recipes on GoodToKnow which come into their own when displayed on a mobile device. Much more practical when actually cooking to have the instructions on a handheld. Rax

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