Museums Showoff

This was the sign that greeted me as I made my way into The Camden Head for the first Museums Showoff... Pub Sign reading "Terence Eden and Guests"

Now, I've no idea why I was the headliner - but I certainly wasn't going to complain!

Museums Showoff is a spin-off from the popular Science Showoff. The idea is that ten speakers come along and show off. They chat about what they're doing, things they've made, stuff they've built, or anything that gets their juices flowing.

With the permission of the participants, I recorded the event. Here are the videos:

Subhadra Das - UCL Pathology

A touching and hilarious talk about all the grim and icky stuff found in formaldehyde jars.

Terence Eden - QRpedia

This suspiciously good looking chap chatted about QRpedia

Brian Macken - Dublin's Dead Zoo

A high speed history of Dubin's Natural History Museum. I really regret not visiting it when I was last in Ireland.

Rosie Clarke - Museums at Night

I love the idea of Museums at Nights - this was a great explanation of the effort it takes to put on the event each year.

Ayla Lepine - Architecture

How do you get kinds interested in architectural drawing? Alya Lepine explains all.

Steve Lloyd - Physical and Digital

A fascinating talk about digital signage in the modern museum.

Did you know about the Fry Gallery? Gordon gave an entertaining talk about the gallery and the stories behind it.

Catherine Walker - Handling Objects

Who wants to squeeze a brain? Or see how a shrunken head is made?

Overall, a fascinating event with a great turn out, and a lot of money was raised for Arts Emergency.

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