How to track down the original owners of stolen Twitter accounts

Recently, one of the accounts I follow on Twitter was hijacked. It was turned into a PS5 giveaway scam. The people who hijacked the account changed the name, avatar, and deleted all the previous Tweets. Here's how I found who the original owner was, and managed to contact them.

A Twitter account has a screen name. Mine is @edent. It is possible to change your screen name. Each Twitter account has a unique user ID. This is a numerical code that the API uses to keep track of users. Mine is 14054507. The user ID never changes - even if you change your screen name.

If you have an API key, you can use the V2 API to look up a user's ID from their screen name

twurl "/2/users/by?usernames=Ps5retaildealer" | jq

Results in:

  "data": [
      "id": "18982572",
      "name": "Ps5 Seller",
      "username": "Ps5retaildealer"

If you don't have access to the API, you can use to get the same information.

The next step is to find the original screen name. I did this by searching for replies to the user ID.

Because the hijacked account's user name has been changed and all its previous Tweets deleted, it isn't possible to use the regular site search, so it is back to the API

twurl "/2/users/18982572/mentions" | jq

In amongst all the replies to the scammer's new Tweets, was this:

      "id": "1338782887710232576",
      "text": "London, St George the Martyr, Holborn, on the corner of Queen Square. The benefaction Board recording Christmas Dinners for Chimney Sweeps is the chief item of interest. @NatChurchTrust @badger_beard @roberrttoa @stepneyrobarts @TomsBritain @BeardyHowse"

Looking at the original Tweet, I could see one of the users appears to have been deleted.

I confirmed this by searching for the deleted user name:

There was a Tweet from another user, mentioning Tom, but showing as in reply to the scammer.

Twitter conversation.

From there it was pretty easy to find Tom's website. I used the WayBack Machine to look at an archived version of the account. I sent the owner a message to let him know about the account.

So, there you go, a relatively simple way to trace back the ownership of an account.

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  1. Subiecte principale: penuria de siliciu, RTX 3060, jocuri PS pe PC, Twitter super-follows Gazde: Vlad Bănică și Manuel Cheța Ne găsești și pe iTunes, Podbean, YouTube și Reddit. Știri – AnandTech: Cererea de silicon depășește cu 30% capacitatea de producție – AnandTech: S-a lansat RTX 3060! / JayzTwoCents zice „meh” – Engadget: Nissan îmbunătățește performanțele trenurilor de rulare hibride din generația următoare – ZD Net: prețurile la produse vechi Mac vor cădea vertiginos în 2021 / Tom’s Hardware: Apple face update-uri la BigSur pentru laptopurile care se strică din cauza folosirii unui dongle USB necertificat / Louis Rossman: the more things change, the more they stay the same – The Verge: Twitter inventează super-follows / downhill from here – PC Gamer: Sony va porta jocuri de pe Playstation pe PC —– – TWiG 600: Facebook dă înapoi și plătește taxa pe link în Australia – Testing Games: cât de mult afectează miningul o placă video? pierdere de 5 – 10 fps și temperaturi cu 20 de grade mai mari – The Register: 7 trackere găsite în LastPass – TechAltar: unde a greșit GDPR? – Eden T: cum să descoperi deținătorul original al unui cont de Twitter furat? – Cuteness alert: imagine cu Firefox nightly cu un doge în loc de vulpe Extras Unde ne găsești: – Vlad Bănică pe – donează tehnica nefolosită via ceasulbun[at] – Manuel Cheța pe manuelcheț Share this:TwitterFacebook

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