Opening Compact File Set (CFS) files in Linux

I was sent some medical images in a password-protected CFS file. Here's how to open them in Linux.

You can't.

OK, that's a bit of an exaggeration. It's complex, but here's how to do it.

The Linux software for the Compact File Set hasn't been updated in years and only works with ancient versions of Linux. Here's how to temporarily install an old version, install the software, and then liberate your files.

  1. Install VirtualBox or your favourite Virtual Machine.
  2. Install Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
  3. Once you're in Ubuntu, run sudo apt install make gcc
  4. Download the Pismo File System Redirector build 23X for Linux.
  5. Run chmod +x
  6. Extract it with runstub_folder=. ./
  7. Go into the folder it created cd fsr-23X-lin/
  8. Install with sudo ./fsrcmd install
  9. Go back to the location where you downloaded the files cd ..
  10. Downloand the Pismo File Mount build 23X
  11. Run chmod +x
  12. Run sudo ./ install
  13. Mount the file with pfm mount YourFile.cfs
  14. Type the file's password (not your login password)
  15. Open your file explorer, you should see the folder mounted with the files ready to copy off.

If that doesn't work, there is an alternative.

  1. Download an install Pismo File Mount build 23X as above.
  2. That installs a helper app called ptcfs
  3. Run ptcfs extract YourFile.cfs and all the contents should be unpacked.

Thanks to the NHS for supplying my medical files free of charge. But why did they have to use this weird and non-standard file format? Luckily the medical images are in DICOM format, so I can 3D print my brains.

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4 thoughts on “Opening Compact File Set (CFS) files in Linux”

    1. @edent says:

      I tried mounting it, opening it in various tools, unzipping, etc. Nothing worked.

  1. says:

    Very nice! I requested (and received) my brain MRI scan from the NHS. A few years back, I told my dentist about it. He was so excited I took a 1:1 scale 3D print with me the next time I visited, now we’re trying to figure out what fun can be had with my tooth scans too! 😅


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