Passive Aggressive Note - my name is spelt "T-E-R-E-N-C-E"
...not Terance, Terrence, Terrance, Terense, Tarance, or any other variation.
"Terence" is spelt with one T, a thrice of Es, and a single R, N, and C.
The letter A should be conspicuous by its absence. The letter R is an only child. The letter S has no place in my name.
Those people caught transgressing these very simple rules with be placed on The List.
FFS! My name is on the email I sent you, I sign off with it, it's there on my work pass, at the top of my blog, etc. Do I actually need to get it tattoo'd upon my forehead before you take notice?
Usually I reply by intentionally misspelling the the offender's name in my reply "Thanks Jannet" - perhaps now I'll just send them this blog post!
Jo Rabin aka Ms Joe Rayburn and worse says: