Why aren't there more visual programming languages? (An ode to DRAKON)

Part of the MD5 algorithm expressed in colourful Lego blocks.

I think the computer programming industry is about to reach a reckoning. No, not because ChatGPT can poorly plagiarise buggy code - but because a whole generation of kids have grown up with Scratch. And they'll want professional tools which have Scratch's level of usability. Hand-coding YAML files is a mug's game; one wrong whitespace and everything is broken. Left a semi-colon off the end of a line of code; watch the compiler moan. Mixed up your ints, floats, and strings; the computer has a…

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Use DRAKON to Generate Code from Flowcharts

It's 1986. You're working on the Russian's Buran space programme - trying to create a re-usable space vehicle which will exceed the capabilities of the American's "Space Shuttle". There's a problem. You have very complicated real-time algorithms which you need to review, improve, optimise, and then turn into code. How do you do it? Obviously, you invent DRAKON! ДРАКОН, "dragon" Backronym for "Дружелюбный Русский Алгоритмический язык, Который Обеспечивает Наглядность." Translation: "Friendl…

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