Speaking Engagements

I regularly present at industry events and am often called on to be the keynote speaker. If you're interested in having me speak at your next technology event, please get in contact.

TEDx Telefónica. I was one of two UK employees throughout Telefónica's worldwide business chosen to present at a TEDx event. I opened the conference talking about my experience of teaching kids to code using MIT's Scratch programming language.

Here is a selection of other prominent conferences to which I have been invited to speak:


In September 2016, I was delighted to deliver this talk to ThingMonk 2016


I was a regional finalist at Oxford Famelab. Here I present a short history of the ENIGMA machine.

Digital Henley


The University of East Anglia invited me to run a seminar for MSc Computer Science students on Mobile UX.

Dev Talks Romania - keynote speaker to 500 developers in Bucharest, Romania.

BCS Software Practice Advancement Conference – lead a workshop discussing blogging in a professional capacity.

Learning and Technologies Conference - mobile learning.


OpenTech – London. Presentation on the ethics of crowd-sourcing political funding.

Open Mobile Alliance – Dublin. Presentation on the standardisation of QR codes.


25th Privacy Laws Annual Conference - Cambridge University. Presentation on legal and privacy issues surrounding mobile applications.

OverTheAir 2012 - Session on QR Codes.


Keynote speaker at London Web Standards' "State of the Browser" conference.

Mobile World Congress - Wholesale Applications Community introductory speech.


Invited to address the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Digital Economy Act.