Sometimes people are kind enough to cite my works in their books, research papers, and reports. Here is an incomplete list:
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2022
- 2023
- Official Publications
- Acknowledgements
- Tweets
- Miscellany
Donate Minutes Via Your Mobile (2009) 🔗
- Bogdan, Pamela AM.
Methods, systems, and computer program products for mobile network subscriber incentive programs.
U.S. Patent No. 8,589,219. 19 Nov. 2013.
VoteUK (2009) 🔗
- Heather Brooke The Silent State ISBN 9781407088600 (2011).
Augmented Reality Games - How Far Have We Come In 7 Years? (2010) 🔗
Eishita, Farjana Z. & Stanley, Kevin G. & Esquivel, Alain
Quantifying the differential impact of sensor noise in augmented reality gaming input
() IEEE. 2015 IEEE Games Entertainment Media Conference (GEM). -
Vásquez Rea, Dayana Alejandra.
Desarrollo de un plan de implementación de tecnología de realidad mixta en el mercado ecuatoriano.
BS thesis. PUCE, 2017. "Development of a mixed reality technology implementation plan in the Ecuadorian market."
Řeháček, Ondřej.
Rozšířená realita.
(2019).- "Augmented Reality"
Rahim, Johari Abdul.
A Mobile Platform for Location-based Service Applications Using Augmented Reality: Online Map, Tracking and Navigation on Google Android Smartphone Device.
Diss. Open University Malaysia, 2014. -
Ortt, Roland, and Bram Dees. "Technologiemonitor 2018." (2018).
QR Codes In Museums (2011) 🔗
QR Codes Initial Scoping Exercise - A report prepared for the West Midlands Museum Development Officers. Rebecca Harvey, Flying Collections Assistant (October 2012)
Ruben, Demus.
QRpedia in Derby und Wiki Loves Monuments in Österreich
Introducing QRpedia (2011) 🔗
Горохова, Лариса Анатольевна, and Владимир Юрьевич Горохов. "О возможности реализации технологий дополненной реальности и гео-обучения в образовательном процессе." Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование 10 (2014).
- "On the possibility of implementing augmented reality technologies and geo-training in the educational process."
Pett, Daniel. "Uses of social media within the British Museum and museum sector." Archaeology and digital communication: Towards strategies of public engagement (2012): 83-102.
Digital World: Connectivity, Creativity and Rights edited by Gillian Youngs. ISBN 1135021996
Ferreira, Olga Sergeevna. Utilização oportunista de redes locais sem fios por place-based systems. Diss. 2012.
- Opportunistic use of wireless LANs by place-based systems
Information Resources Management Association (ed.) (2018) Online course management: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. ISBN 9781522554738
Chilcott, M., 2013. Social innovation and digital community curation. In Digital World (pp. 64-73). Routledge.
And many, many more citations of QRpedia!
QRator - QR Codes in the Petrie Museum (2011) 🔗
- Rubino, I.
iPads for museums: Serving visitors and professional communities [J/OL]
(2011): 03-31.
QR code security risks in the car park (2011) 🔗
- Narayanan, A. Sankara.
QR codes and security solutions International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications
3.7 (2012): 69-72.
How To Prevent QR Hijacking (2011) 🔗
- Buchwald, Paweł, and Paweł Sobczak. "Urządzenia mobilne narzędziem dostępu do platform znacznikowania zasobów rzeczowych i produktów." Logistyka 4 (2015): 7283-7292.
- "Mobile devices as an access tool to material and product tagging platforms"
Open Source Shakespeare (in MySQL) (2012) 🔗
- Johnson, Eric M.
Opening Shakespeare from the Margins
() page: 187-205. Springer International Publishing. The Shakespeare User.
There is no HTTP code for censorship (but perhaps there should be) (2012) 🔗
- Pettis, Ben T.
HTTP 451 Unavailable for Legal Reasons: A Full Stack Analysis of Online Geoblocking
(). International Communication Association Conference. Toronto, ON.
Car Hacking - With Bluetooth OBD (2012) 🔗
Elmaghraby, Adel S. & Losavio, Michael M.
Cyber security challenges in Smart Cities: Safety, security and privacy
() page: 491-497. Elsevier BV. Journal of Advanced Research. -
Swami, Ashish Chandra, and Ritu Bhargava. "Digital Security for Smart Cities in India: Challenges and Opportunities."
Losavio, Michael M. &
Chow, K. P. & Koltay, Andras &
James, Joshua
The Internet of Things and the Smart City: Legal challenges with digital forensics, privacy, and security
() page: e23. Wiley. Security and Privacy. -
Bouzeraib, Wayoud & Ghenai, Afifa & Zeghib, Nadia
A Multi-Objective Genetic GAN Oversampling: Application to Intelligent Transport Anomaly Detection
() Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). DOI:
QR and NFC Living In Harmony? (2012) 🔗
- Brands, Jan Rene, and Ruud JG Van Heugten. "Display device, method of operating a display device, and computer program product." U.S. Patent No. 9,577,711. 21 Feb. 2017.
Why Facebook Makes Me Feel Like A Loser (2012) 🔗
- Lovink, Geert. Im Bann der Plattformen: Die nächste Runde der Netzkritik. Vol. 12. transcript Verlag, 2017. 10.14361/9783839433683-005
Samsung Lock Screen Security Flaw (2013) 🔗
Johnson, Ryan & Murmuria, Rahul & Stavrou, Angelos & Sritapan, Vincent
Pairing continuous authentication with proactive platform hardening
() IEEE. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). -
Wächter, Philipp & Gruhn, Michael
Practicability study of android volatile memory forensic research
() IEEE. 2015 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS). -
Feng, Peijun & Li, Qingbao & Zhang, Ping & Chen, Zhifeng
Private Data Acquisition Method Based on System-Level Data Migration and Volatile Memory Forensics for Android Applications
() page: 16695-16703. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Access. -
Baig, Ahmed Fraz & Eskeland, Sigurd
Security, Privacy, and Usability in Continuous Authentication: A Survey
() MDPI AG. Sensors. Page: 5967. DOI:
New! Samsung Security Flaw - Disable Lockscreen - Total Control (2013) 🔗
- Simon, Laurent.
Exploring new attack vectors for the exploitation of smartphones.
No. UCAM-CL-TR-909. University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, 2017.
Malicious Use of the HTML5 Vibrate API (2014) 🔗
- Yoon, Soojin & Jung, Jonghun & Kim, HwanKuk
Study on Attack Scenarios with HTML5
() page: 266-273. Infonomics Society. International Journal of Multimedia and Image Processing.
The Unsecured State Part 4 - UK Government Websites Spewing Spam (2014) 🔗
- UK National Archives.
Plugged In, Powered Up. A digital capacity building strategy for archives
Wanted! Simple APIs Without Authentication (2014) 🔗
- Object-Orientation, Abstraction, and Data Structures Using Scala By Mark C. Lewis, Lisa L. Lacher. ISBN 9781498732161
Extracting Your Own Location Information From Google - The Hard Way (2014) 🔗
- Creve, Michiel.
Design of a framework for the automatic detection of context on the Android Platform
A Year Of Solar Panels - Open Data (2014) 🔗
Colantuono, Giuseppe &
Kor, Ah-Lian & Pattinson, Colin & Gorse, Christopher
PV with multiple storage as function of geolocation
() page: 217-232. Elsevier BV. Solar Energy. -
Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich & Colantuono, Giuseppe
RED WoLF: Combining a battery and thermal energy reservoirs as a hybrid storage system
() page: 115209. Elsevier BV. Applied Energy. -
Lange, Jarren Hilton,
Realisation of AD hoc renewable rural power systems with decentralised active power dispatch techniques
. (2019) -
Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich & Zaitcev, Aleksandr &
Pogarskaia, Tatiana & Colantuono, Giuseppe
RED WoLF hybrid storage system: Comparison of CO2 and price targets
() Elsevier BV. Journal of Cleaner Production. Page: 128926. DOI: -
Wiesheu, Michael & Rutešić, Luka & Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich &
Pogarskaia, Tatiana & Zaitcev, Aleksandr & Colantuono, Giuseppe
RED WoLF hybrid storage system: Adaptation of algorithm and analysis of performance in residential dwellings
() Elsevier BV. Renewable Energy. Page: 1036. DOI: -
Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich & Zaitcev, Aleksandr &
Colantuono, Giuseppe
RED WoLF hybrid energy storage system: Algorithm case study and green competition between storage heaters and heat pump
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.1016/j.egyai.2023.100287 -
Zaitcev, Aleksandr &
Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich & Pogarskaia, Tatiana &
Colantuono, Giuseppe
Effects of prediction errors on CO2 emissions in residential smart energy management systems with hybrid thermal-electric storage
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.1016/j.cles.2024.100138
QR Codes on Energy Bills (2014) 🔗
- Inside the Nudge Unit by David Halpern. ISBN 9780753551387
Shakespeare's Honor (2014) 🔗
- Murphy, L. (2018) The prodigal tongue: The love-hate relationship between British and American English. London, England: Oneworld Publications. ISBN 9781786072702
Writing A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Story On Twitter (2015) 🔗
Thomas, Bronwen. ‘Tales from the Timeline: Experiments with Narrative on Twitter’. Comparative Critical Studies, vol. 13, no. 3, Edinburgh University Press, Oct. 2016, pp. 353–369. 10.3366/ccs.2016.0210
Bradshaw, P., 2017. Interactivity and code. In The Online Journalism Handbook (pp. 281-322). Routledge.
This is what a graph of 8,000 fake Twitter accounts looks like (2015) 🔗
Simon, Nitin T & Elias, Susan
Detection of fake followers using feature ratio in self-organizing maps
() IEEE. 2017 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computed, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI). -
Fathi, Ramian & Brixy, Anne-Marie & Fiedrich, Frank
Desinformationen und Fake-News in der Lage: Virtual Operations Support Team (VOST) und Digital Volunteers im Einsatz
() page: 211-235. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. Postfaktische Sicherheitspolitik. -
Brunton, Finn. Gaming Metrics - Personal v. Industrial Cheating (2016) Video
Brunton, Finn.
Making People and Influencing Friends: Citation Networks and the Appearance of Significance.
(2020): 243. -
Rhotert, Jim.
Realisierung einer Graphanfragesprache auf einem relationalen DBMS
. (2019).- Realization of a graph request language on a relational DBMS.
Migrants and Mobiles (2015) 🔗
- Gómez Masdeu, Alejandro
En attendant l’Europe: crisis migratoria y los límites de la condición postfotográfica.
() Editorial Universidad de Sevilla. doi:10.12795/themata.2023.i67.06
A Tale of Two Open Data Sets (2015) 🔗
- Kemp, Anne. AGI Foresight Report 2020
Raspberry Pi Zero Hidden In An Xbox Controller (2015) 🔗
Λιακόπουλος, Αθανάσιος. "Ανίχνευση κίνησης αντικειμένων με raspberry-pi και python." (2019).
- "Motion detection with raspberry-pi and python objects"
Γαλανάκης, Ιωάννης. "Καταμέτρηση και ανάλυση κυκλοφορίας με raspberry Pi και κάμερα στο internet of things." (2017).
- "Counting and analyzing traffic with raspberry Pi and internet camera of things"
Reverse Engineering the BMW i3 API (2015) 🔗
- Acién-Gómez, Antonio. "Seguridad en sistemas empotrados en vehículos." (2018).
- "Security in embedded systems in vehicles"
- Suzic, Bojan. "Towards Secure Integration and Interoperability in Heterogeneous Environments". 2016. 53 p.
- ELISE European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government. Digital Platform for public services. (2018)
Cho, Kyong-Tak & Shin, Kang & Kim, Yu Seung & Cha, Byung-Ho
Off is Not Off: On the Security of Parked Vehicles
() IEEE. 10.1109/CNS48642.2020.9162167 - Curran, Noah T. & Ganesan, Arun & Pesé, Mert D. & Shin, Kang G.
Using Phone Sensors to Augment Vehicle Reliability
() IEEE. doi:10.1109/cns59707.2023.10289103
Fire up your Raspberry Pi with Cayenne (2016) 🔗
- Gualli Muñoz, Hernán Octavio. Análisis y control inalámbrico de iluminación del templo de la iglesia ACYM SUR mediante tecnologías Raspberry Pi y plataforma Android que garantice un manejo eficiente de luminarias. BS thesis. Quito: Universidad Israel, 2017, 2017. UISRAEL-EC-ELDT-378.242-17-008
The absolute horror of WiFi light switches (2016) 🔗
Stellios, Ioannis &
Kotzanikolaou, Panayiotis &
Psarakis, Mihalis &
Alcaraz, Cristina &
Lopez, Javier
A Survey of IoT-Enabled Cyberattacks: Assessing Attack Paths to Critical Infrastructures and Services
() page: 3453-3495. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. -
The Internet of Risky Things: Trusting the Devices That Surround Us By Sean Smith. ISBN 9781491963609
Would you fall for this phishing scam? (2016) 🔗
- Seymour, John, and Philip Tully. "Weaponizing data science for social engineering: Automated E2E spear phishing on Twitter." Black Hat USA 37 (2016).
The Uncanny Valley of Consent - when advertising gets creepy (2016) 🔗
- Besseny, Amelia Anna. "Folksonomy vs. taxonomy in the celestial jukebox: what does folksonomy achieve in music streaming?" (2018). uon:35629
Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Families (2017) 🔗
- Pope, Richard.
Platformland: An Anatomy of Next-Generation Public Services.
How I became Leonardo da Vinci on the Blockchain (2018) 🔗
Grüner, Andreas, Alexander Mühle, and Christoph Meinel. "On the Relevance of Blockchain in Identity Management." arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.08136 (2018).
Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (European Commission) "Illicit trade in cultural goods in Europe: Characteristics, criminal justice responses and an analysis of the applicability of technologies in the combat against the trade." 10.2766/183649
Paula Fernández, María et al.
There Is No Such Thing As Blockchain Art - A Report On The Current Status Of The Intersection Of Blockchain And Art.
The Department of Decentralization, -
Korhonen, Janne M.
Lohkoketjut ja muut hajautetuttietokannat: niiden ideologia,käyttökohteet ja energiankulutus
- Asiantuntijalausunto eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnall.- "Block Chains and Other Distributed Databases: Their Ideology, Uses and Energy Consumption" - Expert for the Future Committee of the Parliament
Whitaker, Amy
Art and Blockchain: A Primer, History, and Taxonomy of Blockchain Use Cases in the Arts
() page: 21-47. University of Arkansas Press. Artivate: A Journal of Enterprise in the Arts. -
Baucherel, Kate,
Blockchain Hurricane.
Business Expert Press. . -
Kochetkova, Marina,
Blockchain in the art market: Opportunities and Challenges.
LAB University of Applied Sciences. . -
Giannopoulou, Alexandra,
Blockchain aux arts :Quand la décentralisation rencontre la conformité légale (Blockchain in the Arts: When Decentralization Meets Legal Compliance).
(). Guez E et Vernet Y (eds.), (Block)chain of love, OBSIN/Pamal, Presses du réel, 2019. -
Lee, R. (2021). Computer and Information Science 2021--Summer ISBN 9783030794743
Heath, C., Sanders, A. K. and Moerland, A. (eds.) (2020) Intellectual property law and the fourth industrial revolution. Kluwer Law International. ISBN 9789403522135
Jung, Seung Wook
A Novel Authentication System for Artwork Based on Blockchain
() Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Studies in Computational Intelligence. DOI: -
Finucane, Blake Patricia
Creating with blockchain technology : the "provably rare" possibilities of crypto art
() University of British Columbia. DOI: -
Bufano, Emilio
Blockchain and art market: digital platforms, new assets and old rules
(2021), in "Aedon, Rivista di arti e diritto on line" DOI: 10.7390/101743 -
Ross, Dian & Cretu, Edmond & Lemieux, Victoria
NFTs: Tulip Mania or Digital Renaissance?
() Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). DOI: -
Mendis, D. (2021).
Copyright and NFTs: new wine in old bottles?
World Intellectual Property Review. -
Dumas, J., Varrette, S., Roudeix, E., Lafourcade, P., Tichit, A. (2022). Les NFT en 40 questions : Des réponses claires et détaillées pour comprendre les Non Fungible Tokens
Sterpi, Massimo (2021). "La Disrupción Del Arte: Arte Y Tecnología En El Siglo XXI". Facultad de Derecho-Universidad de Buenos Aires Departamento de Publicaciones: 17.
Pu, Shuyi &
Lee Lam, Jasmine Siu
The benefits of blockchain for digital certificates: A multiple case study analysis
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2022.102176 -
Tavares, Rogério & Sousa, João Paulo & Maganinho, Bruno & Gomes, João Pedro
Gamers' Reaction to the Use of NFT in AAA Video Games
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2023.01.329 -
Nogueira, Andreia &
Marques, Célio Gonçalo &
Manso, António & Almeida, Paula
NFTs and the Danger of Loss
() MDPI AG. doi:10.3390/heritage6070285 -
Veiga Copo, A. B. (2023). Derecho del arte y revolución digital: Creatividad, autenticidad, originalidad y seguridad. Spain: ARANZADI / CIVITAS. ISBN 978-84-1125-970-5.
Guadamuz, Andrés (2021). Smart Contracts and Intellectual Property : Challenges and Reality. [S.l.] : SSRN.
Bilogrivić, Matea & Stublić, Helena
Application of Blockchain Technology and NFTs in a Museum Environment
() IEEE. doi:10.23919/mipro57284.2023.10159780 -
Giannoni, Claudia & Medda, Francesca & Bartolucci, Silvia
Blockchain Technologies and Art: Opportunities and Open Challenges
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4439318 -
de Assis, Paulo &
Łukawski, Adam
Decentralized Music
() CRC Press. doi:10.1201/9781003458227 -
Artzt, M & Richter, T (2024). International Handbook of Blockchain Law: A Guide to Navigating Legal and Regulatory Challenges of Blockchain Technology and Crypto Assets. ISBN 9789403541679
Robertson, Iain &
Chong, Derrick &
Afonso, Luís U.
Global Art Markets
() Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003400868
Major sites running unauthenticated JavaScript on their payment pages (2018) 🔗
- Chapuis, Bertil & Omolola, Olamide & Humbert, Mathias & Cherubini, Mauro & Huguenin, Kévin
An Empirical Study of the Use of Integrity Verification Mechanisms for Web Subresources
() ACM. Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020.
$3k Bug Bounty - Twitter's OAuth Mistakes (2018) 🔗
- Holtmann, Lauritz "Single Sign-On Security: Security Analysis of real-life OpenID Connect Implementations" Ruhr-Universität Bochum ()
Why bother with What Three Words? (2019) 🔗
Mask, Deirdre "The Address Book - What Street Addresses Reveal about Identity, Race, Wealth and Power" ()
Arthur, Rudy
A Critical Analysis of the What3Words Geocoding Algorithm
() arXiv. DOI: -
Lowe, Jack.
Location-Based Games as Platforms for Site-Specific Story Mapping
(). LivingMaps Review, vol. 10.
The code behind the NHS Covid-19 App (2020 - NHSX Blog) 🔗
- Christou, Theodora and Sacco, Maria Pia and Scheltema, Martijn and Bana, Anurag,
Digital Contact Tracing for the COVID-19 Epidemic: A Business and Human Rights Perspective.
. Available at SSRN:
1,800 days of minute-by-minute solar generation as Open Data (2020) 🔗
- Johnson, Owen & Mair, Edward & Milhan, Hafiz & Hajiloo, Ashkan
Capacitive transfer system cables provide inherent voltage support in response to rapidly changing supply and demand
() Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/icp.2024.2097
I've locked myself out of my digital life (2022) 🔗
- Skinner, C (2024). Intelligent Money: When Money Thinks For You. ISBN: 9789815218558
Snowflake IDs in Mastodon (and Unique IDs in the Fediverse more generally) (2022) 🔗
- Chalkiadakis, Ioannis & Chavalarias, David
PyMstdnCollect: A Python Package for Data Collection on Mastodon
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4913703
Getting Started with Mastodon's Conversations API (2022) 🔗
- Chalkiadakis, Ioannis & Chavalarias, David
PyMstdnCollect: A Python Package for Data Collection on Mastodon
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4913703
Silence Isn't Consent (2023) 🔗
- Sparkes, M.
How Elon Musk and Reddit are leading a war on AI web scraping. New Scientist
, .
Official Publications
- - "Keeping the right people on the DNA Database - UK Home Office
- - "Feasibility study on the use of QR codes in the energy sector" - UK Department for Business Innovation & Skills
- - "Open Up! Report of the Speaker’s Commission on Digital Democracy" - UK Parliament
The authors would like to thank [...] Terence Eden (Open Standards Lead for the British Government Digital Service) for providing pro-bono consulting on social media Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Clarke, Tara A. & Reuter, Kim E. & LaFleur, Marni & Schaefer, Melissa S.
A viral video and pet lemurs on Twitter
() page: e0208577. Public Library of Science (PLoS). PLOS ONE.
During this research I reviewed literature, publications, as well as blogs and news items in different media. I combined this consultation and research with interviews with experts in different areas. Although I am solely responsible for the content, I would like to thank all those who were kind enough to participate: [...]Terence Eden (Open Standards Lead, the UK Government Digital Service),
- Berlinguer, M. (2020). Commons, Markets and Public Policy, Transform! ePaper, January 2020. ISBN: 978-3-903343-00-9
- "Big Data: Does Size Matter?" by Timandra Harkness
I am also grateful to this roster of web design superstars who reviewed particular chapters and passages in their area of expertise … Terence Eden (audio / video)
- So You Want to Be a Politician edited by Shane Greer
- Tinati, Ramine.
Towards an understanding of Web growth: an empirical study of socio-technical web activity of Open Government Data.
Diss. University of Southampton, 2013.
Shakespeare's Plays in Pocket Form! and 莎士比亚.org 🔗
- Smith, Bella Victoria, and Ed Nagelhout.
To txt, or not to txt: SHKSPR. mobi and Academia
. (2013). -
McNair Research Journal - Summer 2015
- Fave quote "Terence Eden is a credible author."
OpenBenches 🔗
- Bowman, Marion.
Trees, Benches and Contemporary Commemoration: When the Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary
. (2021). - Hornsey, Elizabeth.
At Face Value: Facial Difference, Facial Reconstructive Surgery and Face Transplants in Literature and Other Texts
. (2021). -
Karpf, Anne
‘She Loved This Place’: Memorial Benches as Death Writing, Life Writing and Life Siting
() Informa UK Limited. doi:10.1080/14484528.2024.2431552
- Sparkes, Matthew
The war against AI web scraping
() New Scientist. doi:10.1016/s0262-4079(23)00836-9