
Sometimes people are kind enough to cite my works in their books, research papers, and reports. Here is an incomplete list:


  • Bogdan, Pamela AM. Methods, systems, and computer program products for mobile network subscriber incentive programs. U.S. Patent No. 8,589,219. 19 Nov. 2013.

VoteUK (2009) 🔗


Augmented Reality Games - How Far Have We Come In 7 Years? (2010) 🔗


QR Codes In Museums (2011) 🔗

Introducing QRpedia (2011) 🔗

QRator - QR Codes in the Petrie Museum (2011) 🔗

QR code security risks in the car park (2011) 🔗

How To Prevent QR Hijacking (2011) 🔗


Open Source Shakespeare (in MySQL) (2012) 🔗

There is no HTTP code for censorship (but perhaps there should be) (2012) 🔗

  • HTTP 451 Unavailable for Legal Reasons: A Full Stack Analysis of Online Geoblocking (). International Communication Association Conference. Toronto, ON.

Car Hacking - With Bluetooth OBD (2012) 🔗

QR and NFC Living In Harmony? (2012) 🔗

  • Brands, Jan Rene, and Ruud JG Van Heugten. "Display device, method of operating a display device, and computer program product." U.S. Patent No. 9,577,711. 21 Feb. 2017.

Why Facebook Makes Me Feel Like A Loser (2012) 🔗


Samsung Lock Screen Security Flaw (2013) 🔗

  • & & & Pairing continuous authentication with proactive platform hardening () IEEE. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops).

  • & Practicability study of android volatile memory forensic research () IEEE. 2015 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS).

  • Feng, Peijun & & & Private Data Acquisition Method Based on System-Level Data Migration and Volatile Memory Forensics for Android Applications () page: 16695-16703. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Access.
  • Baig, Ahmed Fraz & Security, Privacy, and Usability in Continuous Authentication: A Survey () MDPI AG. Sensors. Page: 5967. DOI:

New! Samsung Security Flaw - Disable Lockscreen - Total Control (2013) 🔗


Malicious Use of the HTML5 Vibrate API (2014) 🔗

The Unsecured State Part 4 - UK Government Websites Spewing Spam (2014) 🔗

Wanted! Simple APIs Without Authentication (2014) 🔗

Extracting Your Own Location Information From Google - The Hard Way (2014) 🔗

A Year Of Solar Panels - Open Data (2014) 🔗

  • & & & PV with multiple storage as function of geolocation () page: 217-232. Elsevier BV. Solar Energy.
  • & RED WoLF: Combining a battery and thermal energy reservoirs as a hybrid storage system () page: 115209. Elsevier BV. Applied Energy.

  • Lange, Jarren Hilton, Realisation of AD hoc renewable rural power systems with decentralised active power dispatch techniques. (2019)

  • Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich & & & RED WoLF hybrid storage system: Comparison of CO2 and price targets () Elsevier BV. Journal of Cleaner Production. Page: 128926. DOI:
  • Wiesheu, Michael & & & & & RED WoLF hybrid storage system: Adaptation of algorithm and analysis of performance in residential dwellings () Elsevier BV. Renewable Energy. Page: 1036. DOI:
  • Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich & & RED WoLF hybrid energy storage system: Algorithm case study and green competition between storage heaters and heat pump () Elsevier BV.
  • Zaitcev, Aleksandr & & & Effects of prediction errors on CO2 emissions in residential smart energy management systems with hybrid thermal-electric storage () Elsevier BV.

QR Codes on Energy Bills (2014) 🔗

Shakespeare's Honor (2014) 🔗

  • Murphy, L. (2018) The prodigal tongue: The love-hate relationship between British and American English. London, England: Oneworld Publications. ISBN 9781786072702


Writing A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Story On Twitter (2015) 🔗

  • Thomas, Bronwen. ‘Tales from the Timeline: Experiments with Narrative on Twitter’. Comparative Critical Studies, vol. 13, no. 3, Edinburgh University Press, Oct. 2016, pp. 353–369. 10.3366/ccs.2016.0210

  • Bradshaw, P., 2017. Interactivity and code. In The Online Journalism Handbook (pp. 281-322). Routledge.

This is what a graph of 8,000 fake Twitter accounts looks like (2015) 🔗

Migrants and Mobiles (2015) 🔗

  • En attendant l’Europe: crisis migratoria y los límites de la condición postfotográfica. () Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.

A Tale of Two Open Data Sets (2015) 🔗

Raspberry Pi Zero Hidden In An Xbox Controller (2015) 🔗

Reverse Engineering the BMW i3 API (2015) 🔗


Fire up your Raspberry Pi with Cayenne (2016) 🔗

  • Gualli Muñoz, Hernán Octavio. Análisis y control inalámbrico de iluminación del templo de la iglesia ACYM SUR mediante tecnologías Raspberry Pi y plataforma Android que garantice un manejo eficiente de luminarias. BS thesis. Quito: Universidad Israel, 2017, 2017. UISRAEL-EC-ELDT-378.242-17-008

The absolute horror of WiFi light switches (2016) 🔗

  • Stellios, Ioannis & & & & A Survey of IoT-Enabled Cyberattacks: Assessing Attack Paths to Critical Infrastructures and Services () page: 3453-3495. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
  • The Internet of Risky Things: Trusting the Devices That Surround Us By Sean Smith. ISBN 9781491963609

Would you fall for this phishing scam? (2016) 🔗

  • Besseny, Amelia Anna. "Folksonomy vs. taxonomy in the celestial jukebox: what does folksonomy achieve in music streaming?" (2018). uon:35629


Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Families (2017) 🔗


How I became Leonardo da Vinci on the Blockchain (2018) 🔗

Major sites running unauthenticated JavaScript on their payment pages (2018) 🔗

  • & & & & An Empirical Study of the Use of Integrity Verification Mechanisms for Web Subresources () ACM. Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020.

$3k Bug Bounty - Twitter's OAuth Mistakes (2018) 🔗


Why bother with What Three Words? (2019) 🔗


The code behind the NHS Covid-19 App (2020 - NHSX Blog) 🔗

  • Christou, Theodora and Sacco, Maria Pia and Scheltema, Martijn and Bana, Anurag, Digital Contact Tracing for the COVID-19 Epidemic: A Business and Human Rights Perspective. . Available at SSRN:

1,800 days of minute-by-minute solar generation as Open Data (2020) 🔗

  • & & & Capacitive transfer system cables provide inherent voltage support in response to rapidly changing supply and demand () Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).


I've locked myself out of my digital life (2022) 🔗

Snowflake IDs in Mastodon (and Unique IDs in the Fediverse more generally) (2022) 🔗

  • & PyMstdnCollect: A Python Package for Data Collection on Mastodon () Elsevier BV.

Getting Started with Mastodon's Conversations API (2022) 🔗

  • & PyMstdnCollect: A Python Package for Data Collection on Mastodon () Elsevier BV.


Official Publications


The authors would like to thank [...] Terence Eden (Open Standards Lead for the British Government Digital Service) for providing pro-bono consulting on social media Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

  • Clarke, Tara A. & & & A viral video and pet lemurs on Twitter () page: e0208577. Public Library of Science (PLoS). PLOS ONE.

During this research I reviewed literature, publications, as well as blogs and news items in different media. I combined this consultation and research with interviews with experts in different areas. Although I am solely responsible for the content, I would like to thank all those who were kind enough to participate: [...]Terence Eden (Open Standards Lead, the UK Government Digital Service),

Terence Eden contributed extra material

I am also grateful to this roster of web design superstars who reviewed particular chapters and passages in their area of expertise … Terence Eden (audio / video)



Shakespeare's Plays in Pocket Form! and 莎士比亚.org 🔗

OpenBenches 🔗