Sometimes people are kind enough to cite my works in their books, research papers, and reports. Here is an incomplete list:
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2022
- 2023
- Official Publications
- Acknowledgements
- Tweets
- Miscellany
Donate Minutes Via Your Mobile (2009)
- Bogdan, Pamela AM.
Methods, systems, and computer program products for mobile network subscriber incentive programs.
U.S. Patent No. 8,589,219. 19 Nov. 2013.
VoteUK (2009)
- Heather Brooke The Silent State ISBN 9781407088600 (2011).
Augmented Reality Games - How Far Have We Come In 7 Years? (2010)
Eishita, Farjana Z. & Stanley, Kevin G. & Esquivel, Alain
Quantifying the differential impact of sensor noise in augmented reality gaming input
() IEEE. 2015 IEEE Games Entertainment Media Conference (GEM). -
Vásquez Rea, Dayana Alejandra.
Desarrollo de un plan de implementación de tecnología de realidad mixta en el mercado ecuatoriano.
BS thesis. PUCE, 2017. "Development of a mixed reality technology implementation plan in the Ecuadorian market."
Řeháček, Ondřej.
Rozšířená realita.
(2019).- "Augmented Reality"
Rahim, Johari Abdul.
A Mobile Platform for Location-based Service Applications Using Augmented Reality: Online Map, Tracking and Navigation on Google Android Smartphone Device.
Diss. Open University Malaysia, 2014. -
Ortt, Roland, and Bram Dees. "Technologiemonitor 2018." (2018).
QR Codes In Museums (2011)
QR Codes Initial Scoping Exercise - A report prepared for the West Midlands Museum Development Officers. Rebecca Harvey, Flying Collections Assistant (October 2012)
Ruben, Demus.
QRpedia in Derby und Wiki Loves Monuments in Österreich
Introducing QRpedia (2011)
Горохова, Лариса Анатольевна, and Владимир Юрьевич Горохов. "О возможности реализации технологий дополненной реальности и гео-обучения в образовательном процессе." Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование 10 (2014).
- "On the possibility of implementing augmented reality technologies and geo-training in the educational process."
Pett, Daniel. "Uses of social media within the British Museum and museum sector." Archaeology and digital communication: Towards strategies of public engagement (2012): 83-102.
Digital World: Connectivity, Creativity and Rights edited by Gillian Youngs. ISBN 1135021996
Ferreira, Olga Sergeevna. Utilização oportunista de redes locais sem fios por place-based systems. Diss. 2012.
- Opportunistic use of wireless LANs by place-based systems
Information Resources Management Association (ed.) (2018) Online course management: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. ISBN 9781522554738
Chilcott, M., 2013. Social innovation and digital community curation. In Digital World (pp. 64-73). Routledge.
And many, many more citations of QRpedia!
QRator - QR Codes in the Petrie Museum (2011)
- Rubino, I.
iPads for museums: Serving visitors and professional communities [J/OL]
(2011): 03-31.
QR code security risks in the car park (2011)
- Narayanan, A. Sankara.
QR codes and security solutions International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications
3.7 (2012): 69-72.
How To Prevent QR Hijacking (2011)
- Buchwald, Paweł, and Paweł Sobczak. "Urządzenia mobilne narzędziem dostępu do platform znacznikowania zasobów rzeczowych i produktów." Logistyka 4 (2015): 7283-7292.
- "Mobile devices as an access tool to material and product tagging platforms"
Open Source Shakespeare (in MySQL) (2012)
- Johnson, Eric M.
Opening Shakespeare from the Margins
() page: 187-205. Springer International Publishing. The Shakespeare User.
There is no HTTP code for censorship (but perhaps there should be) (2012)
- Pettis, Ben T.
HTTP 451 Unavailable for Legal Reasons: A Full Stack Analysis of Online Geoblocking
(). International Communication Association Conference. Toronto, ON.
Car Hacking - With Bluetooth OBD (2012)
Elmaghraby, Adel S. & Losavio, Michael M.
Cyber security challenges in Smart Cities: Safety, security and privacy
() page: 491-497. Elsevier BV. Journal of Advanced Research. -
Swami, Ashish Chandra, and Ritu Bhargava. "Digital Security for Smart Cities in India: Challenges and Opportunities."
Losavio, Michael M. &
Chow, K. P. & Koltay, Andras &
James, Joshua
The Internet of Things and the Smart City: Legal challenges with digital forensics, privacy, and security
() page: e23. Wiley. Security and Privacy. -
Bouzeraib, Wayoud & Ghenai, Afifa & Zeghib, Nadia
A Multi-Objective Genetic GAN Oversampling: Application to Intelligent Transport Anomaly Detection
() Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). DOI:
QR and NFC Living In Harmony? (2012)
- Brands, Jan Rene, and Ruud JG Van Heugten. "Display device, method of operating a display device, and computer program product." U.S. Patent No. 9,577,711. 21 Feb. 2017.
Why Facebook Makes Me Feel Like A Loser (2012)
- Lovink, Geert. Im Bann der Plattformen: Die nächste Runde der Netzkritik. Vol. 12. transcript Verlag, 2017. 10.14361/9783839433683-005
Samsung Lock Screen Security Flaw (2013)
Johnson, Ryan & Murmuria, Rahul & Stavrou, Angelos & Sritapan, Vincent
Pairing continuous authentication with proactive platform hardening
() IEEE. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). -
Wächter, Philipp & Gruhn, Michael
Practicability study of android volatile memory forensic research
() IEEE. 2015 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS). -
Feng, Peijun & Li, Qingbao & Zhang, Ping & Chen, Zhifeng
Private Data Acquisition Method Based on System-Level Data Migration and Volatile Memory Forensics for Android Applications
() page: 16695-16703. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Access. -
Baig, Ahmed Fraz & Eskeland, Sigurd
Security, Privacy, and Usability in Continuous Authentication: A Survey
() MDPI AG. Sensors. Page: 5967. DOI:
New! Samsung Security Flaw - Disable Lockscreen - Total Control (2013)
- Simon, Laurent.
Exploring new attack vectors for the exploitation of smartphones.
No. UCAM-CL-TR-909. University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, 2017.
Malicious Use of the HTML5 Vibrate API (2014)
- Yoon, Soojin & Jung, Jonghun & Kim, HwanKuk
Study on Attack Scenarios with HTML5
() page: 266-273. Infonomics Society. International Journal of Multimedia and Image Processing.
The Unsecured State Part 4 - UK Government Websites Spewing Spam (2014)
- UK National Archives.
Plugged In, Powered Up. A digital capacity building strategy for archives
Wanted! Simple APIs Without Authentication (2014)
- Object-Orientation, Abstraction, and Data Structures Using Scala By Mark C. Lewis, Lisa L. Lacher. ISBN 9781498732161
Extracting Your Own Location Information From Google - The Hard Way (2014)
- Creve, Michiel.
Design of a framework for the automatic detection of context on the Android Platform
A Year Of Solar Panels - Open Data (2014)
Colantuono, Giuseppe &
Kor, Ah-Lian & Pattinson, Colin & Gorse, Christopher
PV with multiple storage as function of geolocation
() page: 217-232. Elsevier BV. Solar Energy. -
Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich & Colantuono, Giuseppe
RED WoLF: Combining a battery and thermal energy reservoirs as a hybrid storage system
() page: 115209. Elsevier BV. Applied Energy. -
Lange, Jarren Hilton,
Realisation of AD hoc renewable rural power systems with decentralised active power dispatch techniques
. (2019) -
Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich & Zaitcev, Aleksandr &
Pogarskaia, Tatiana & Colantuono, Giuseppe
RED WoLF hybrid storage system: Comparison of CO2 and price targets
() Elsevier BV. Journal of Cleaner Production. Page: 128926. DOI: -
Wiesheu, Michael & Rutešić, Luka & Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich &
Pogarskaia, Tatiana & Zaitcev, Aleksandr & Colantuono, Giuseppe
RED WoLF hybrid storage system: Adaptation of algorithm and analysis of performance in residential dwellings
() Elsevier BV. Renewable Energy. Page: 1036. DOI: -
Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich & Zaitcev, Aleksandr &
Colantuono, Giuseppe
RED WoLF hybrid energy storage system: Algorithm case study and green competition between storage heaters and heat pump
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.1016/j.egyai.2023.100287 -
Zaitcev, Aleksandr &
Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich & Pogarskaia, Tatiana &
Colantuono, Giuseppe
Effects of prediction errors on CO2 emissions in residential smart energy management systems with hybrid thermal-electric storage
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.1016/j.cles.2024.100138
QR Codes on Energy Bills (2014)
- Inside the Nudge Unit by David Halpern. ISBN 9780753551387
Shakespeare's Honor (2014)
- Murphy, L. (2018) The prodigal tongue: The love-hate relationship between British and American English. London, England: Oneworld Publications. ISBN 9781786072702
Writing A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Story On Twitter (2015)
Thomas, Bronwen. ‘Tales from the Timeline: Experiments with Narrative on Twitter’. Comparative Critical Studies, vol. 13, no. 3, Edinburgh University Press, Oct. 2016, pp. 353–369. 10.3366/ccs.2016.0210
Bradshaw, P., 2017. Interactivity and code. In The Online Journalism Handbook (pp. 281-322). Routledge.
This is what a graph of 8,000 fake Twitter accounts looks like (2015)
Simon, Nitin T & Elias, Susan
Detection of fake followers using feature ratio in self-organizing maps
() IEEE. 2017 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computed, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI). -
Fathi, Ramian & Brixy, Anne-Marie & Fiedrich, Frank
Desinformationen und Fake-News in der Lage: Virtual Operations Support Team (VOST) und Digital Volunteers im Einsatz
() page: 211-235. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. Postfaktische Sicherheitspolitik. -
Brunton, Finn. Gaming Metrics - Personal v. Industrial Cheating (2016) Video
Brunton, Finn.
Making People and Influencing Friends: Citation Networks and the Appearance of Significance.
(2020): 243. -
Rhotert, Jim.
Realisierung einer Graphanfragesprache auf einem relationalen DBMS
. (2019).- Realization of a graph request language on a relational DBMS.
Migrants and Mobiles (2015)
- Gómez Masdeu, Alejandro
En attendant l’Europe: crisis migratoria y los límites de la condición postfotográfica.
() Editorial Universidad de Sevilla. doi:10.12795/themata.2023.i67.06
A Tale of Two Open Data Sets (2015)
- Kemp, Anne. AGI Foresight Report 2020
Raspberry Pi Zero Hidden In An Xbox Controller (2015)
Λιακόπουλος, Αθανάσιος. "Ανίχνευση κίνησης αντικειμένων με raspberry-pi και python." (2019).
- "Motion detection with raspberry-pi and python objects"
Γαλανάκης, Ιωάννης. "Καταμέτρηση και ανάλυση κυκλοφορίας με raspberry Pi και κάμερα στο internet of things." (2017).
- "Counting and analyzing traffic with raspberry Pi and internet camera of things"
Reverse Engineering the BMW i3 API (2015)
- Acién-Gómez, Antonio. "Seguridad en sistemas empotrados en vehículos." (2018).
- "Security in embedded systems in vehicles"
- Suzic, Bojan. "Towards Secure Integration and Interoperability in Heterogeneous Environments". 2016. 53 p.
- ELISE European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government. Digital Platform for public services. (2018)
Cho, Kyong-Tak & Shin, Kang & Kim, Yu Seung & Cha, Byung-Ho
Off is Not Off: On the Security of Parked Vehicles
() IEEE. 10.1109/CNS48642.2020.9162167 - Curran, Noah T. & Ganesan, Arun & Pesé, Mert D. & Shin, Kang G.
Using Phone Sensors to Augment Vehicle Reliability
() IEEE. doi:10.1109/cns59707.2023.10289103
Fire up your Raspberry Pi with Cayenne (2016)
- Gualli Muñoz, Hernán Octavio. Análisis y control inalámbrico de iluminación del templo de la iglesia ACYM SUR mediante tecnologías Raspberry Pi y plataforma Android que garantice un manejo eficiente de luminarias. BS thesis. Quito: Universidad Israel, 2017, 2017. UISRAEL-EC-ELDT-378.242-17-008
The absolute horror of WiFi light switches (2016)
Stellios, Ioannis &
Kotzanikolaou, Panayiotis &
Psarakis, Mihalis &
Alcaraz, Cristina &
Lopez, Javier
A Survey of IoT-Enabled Cyberattacks: Assessing Attack Paths to Critical Infrastructures and Services
() page: 3453-3495. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. -
The Internet of Risky Things: Trusting the Devices That Surround Us By Sean Smith. ISBN 9781491963609
Would you fall for this phishing scam? (2016)
- Seymour, John, and Philip Tully. "Weaponizing data science for social engineering: Automated E2E spear phishing on Twitter." Black Hat USA 37 (2016).
The Uncanny Valley of Consent - when advertising gets creepy (2016)
- Besseny, Amelia Anna. "Folksonomy vs. taxonomy in the celestial jukebox: what does folksonomy achieve in music streaming?" (2018). uon:35629
Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Families (2017)
- Pope, Richard.
Platformland: An Anatomy of Next-Generation Public Services.
How I became Leonardo da Vinci on the Blockchain (2018)
Grüner, Andreas, Alexander Mühle, and Christoph Meinel. "On the Relevance of Blockchain in Identity Management." arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.08136 (2018).
Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (European Commission) "Illicit trade in cultural goods in Europe: Characteristics, criminal justice responses and an analysis of the applicability of technologies in the combat against the trade." 10.2766/183649
Paula Fernández, María et al.
There Is No Such Thing As Blockchain Art - A Report On The Current Status Of The Intersection Of Blockchain And Art.
The Department of Decentralization, -
Korhonen, Janne M.
Lohkoketjut ja muut hajautetuttietokannat: niiden ideologia,käyttökohteet ja energiankulutus
- Asiantuntijalausunto eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnall.- "Block Chains and Other Distributed Databases: Their Ideology, Uses and Energy Consumption" - Expert for the Future Committee of the Parliament
Whitaker, Amy
Art and Blockchain: A Primer, History, and Taxonomy of Blockchain Use Cases in the Arts
() page: 21-47. University of Arkansas Press. Artivate: A Journal of Enterprise in the Arts. -
Baucherel, Kate,
Blockchain Hurricane.
Business Expert Press. . -
Kochetkova, Marina,
Blockchain in the art market: Opportunities and Challenges.
LAB University of Applied Sciences. . -
Giannopoulou, Alexandra,
Blockchain aux arts :Quand la décentralisation rencontre la conformité légale (Blockchain in the Arts: When Decentralization Meets Legal Compliance).
(). Guez E et Vernet Y (eds.), (Block)chain of love, OBSIN/Pamal, Presses du réel, 2019. -
Lee, R. (2021). Computer and Information Science 2021--Summer ISBN 9783030794743
Heath, C., Sanders, A. K. and Moerland, A. (eds.) (2020) Intellectual property law and the fourth industrial revolution. Kluwer Law International. ISBN 9789403522135
Jung, Seung Wook
A Novel Authentication System for Artwork Based on Blockchain
() Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Studies in Computational Intelligence. DOI: -
Finucane, Blake Patricia
Creating with blockchain technology : the "provably rare" possibilities of crypto art
() University of British Columbia. DOI: -
Bufano, Emilio
Blockchain and art market: digital platforms, new assets and old rules
(2021), in "Aedon, Rivista di arti e diritto on line" DOI: 10.7390/101743 -
Ross, Dian & Cretu, Edmond & Lemieux, Victoria
NFTs: Tulip Mania or Digital Renaissance?
() Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). DOI: -
Mendis, D. (2021).
Copyright and NFTs: new wine in old bottles?
World Intellectual Property Review. -
Dumas, J., Varrette, S., Roudeix, E., Lafourcade, P., Tichit, A. (2022). Les NFT en 40 questions : Des réponses claires et détaillées pour comprendre les Non Fungible Tokens
Sterpi, Massimo (2021). "La Disrupción Del Arte: Arte Y Tecnología En El Siglo XXI". Facultad de Derecho-Universidad de Buenos Aires Departamento de Publicaciones: 17.
Pu, Shuyi &
Lee Lam, Jasmine Siu
The benefits of blockchain for digital certificates: A multiple case study analysis
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2022.102176 -
Tavares, Rogério & Sousa, João Paulo & Maganinho, Bruno & Gomes, João Pedro
Gamers' Reaction to the Use of NFT in AAA Video Games
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2023.01.329 -
Nogueira, Andreia &
Marques, Célio Gonçalo &
Manso, António & Almeida, Paula
NFTs and the Danger of Loss
() MDPI AG. doi:10.3390/heritage6070285 -
Veiga Copo, A. B. (2023). Derecho del arte y revolución digital: Creatividad, autenticidad, originalidad y seguridad. Spain: ARANZADI / CIVITAS. ISBN 978-84-1125-970-5.
Guadamuz, Andrés (2021). Smart Contracts and Intellectual Property : Challenges and Reality. [S.l.] : SSRN.
Bilogrivić, Matea & Stublić, Helena
Application of Blockchain Technology and NFTs in a Museum Environment
() IEEE. doi:10.23919/mipro57284.2023.10159780 -
Giannoni, Claudia & Medda, Francesca & Bartolucci, Silvia
Blockchain Technologies and Art: Opportunities and Open Challenges
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4439318 -
de Assis, Paulo &
Łukawski, Adam
Decentralized Music
() CRC Press. doi:10.1201/9781003458227 -
Artzt, M & Richter, T (2024). International Handbook of Blockchain Law: A Guide to Navigating Legal and Regulatory Challenges of Blockchain Technology and Crypto Assets. ISBN 9789403541679
Robertson, Iain &
Chong, Derrick &
Afonso, Luís U.
Global Art Markets
() Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003400868
Major sites running unauthenticated JavaScript on their payment pages (2018)
- Chapuis, Bertil & Omolola, Olamide & Humbert, Mathias & Cherubini, Mauro & Huguenin, Kévin
An Empirical Study of the Use of Integrity Verification Mechanisms for Web Subresources
() ACM. Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020.
$3k Bug Bounty - Twitter's OAuth Mistakes (2018)
- Holtmann, Lauritz "Single Sign-On Security: Security Analysis of real-life OpenID Connect Implementations" Ruhr-Universität Bochum ()
Why bother with What Three Words? (2019)
Mask, Deirdre "The Address Book - What Street Addresses Reveal about Identity, Race, Wealth and Power" ()
Arthur, Rudy
A Critical Analysis of the What3Words Geocoding Algorithm
() arXiv. DOI: -
Lowe, Jack.
Location-Based Games as Platforms for Site-Specific Story Mapping
(). LivingMaps Review, vol. 10.
The code behind the NHS Covid-19 App (2020 - NHSX Blog)
- Christou, Theodora and Sacco, Maria Pia and Scheltema, Martijn and Bana, Anurag,
Digital Contact Tracing for the COVID-19 Epidemic: A Business and Human Rights Perspective.
. Available at SSRN:
1,800 days of minute-by-minute solar generation as Open Data (2020)
- Johnson, Owen & Mair, Edward & Milhan, Hafiz & Hajiloo, Ashkan
Capacitive transfer system cables provide inherent voltage support in response to rapidly changing supply and demand
() Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/icp.2024.2097
I've locked myself out of my digital life (2022)
- Skinner, C (2024). Intelligent Money: When Money Thinks For You. ISBN: 9789815218558
Snowflake IDs in Mastodon (and Unique IDs in the Fediverse more generally) (2022)
- Chalkiadakis, Ioannis & Chavalarias, David
PyMstdnCollect: A Python Package for Data Collection on Mastodon
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4913703
Getting Started with Mastodon's Conversations API (2022)
- Chalkiadakis, Ioannis & Chavalarias, David
PyMstdnCollect: A Python Package for Data Collection on Mastodon
() Elsevier BV. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4913703
Silence Isn't Consent (2023)
- Sparkes, M.
How Elon Musk and Reddit are leading a war on AI web scraping. New Scientist
, .
Official Publications
- - "Keeping the right people on the DNA Database - UK Home Office
- - "Feasibility study on the use of QR codes in the energy sector" - UK Department for Business Innovation & Skills
- - "Open Up! Report of the Speaker’s Commission on Digital Democracy" - UK Parliament
The authors would like to thank [...] Terence Eden (Open Standards Lead for the British Government Digital Service) for providing pro-bono consulting on social media Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Clarke, Tara A. & Reuter, Kim E. & LaFleur, Marni & Schaefer, Melissa S.
A viral video and pet lemurs on Twitter
() page: e0208577. Public Library of Science (PLoS). PLOS ONE.
During this research I reviewed literature, publications, as well as blogs and news items in different media. I combined this consultation and research with interviews with experts in different areas. Although I am solely responsible for the content, I would like to thank all those who were kind enough to participate: [...]Terence Eden (Open Standards Lead, the UK Government Digital Service),
- Berlinguer, M. (2020). Commons, Markets and Public Policy, Transform! ePaper, January 2020. ISBN: 978-3-903343-00-9
- "Big Data: Does Size Matter?" by Timandra Harkness
I am also grateful to this roster of web design superstars who reviewed particular chapters and passages in their area of expertise … Terence Eden (audio / video)
- So You Want to Be a Politician edited by Shane Greer
- Tinati, Ramine.
Towards an understanding of Web growth: an empirical study of socio-technical web activity of Open Government Data.
Diss. University of Southampton, 2013.
Shakespeare's Plays in Pocket Form! and 莎士比亚.org
- Smith, Bella Victoria, and Ed Nagelhout.
To txt, or not to txt: SHKSPR. mobi and Academia
. (2013). -
McNair Research Journal - Summer 2015
- Fave quote "Terence Eden is a credible author."
- Bowman, Marion.
Trees, Benches and Contemporary Commemoration: When the Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary
. (2021). - Hornsey, Elizabeth.
At Face Value: Facial Difference, Facial Reconstructive Surgery and Face Transplants in Literature and Other Texts
. (2021). -
Karpf, Anne
‘She Loved This Place’: Memorial Benches as Death Writing, Life Writing and Life Siting
() Informa UK Limited. doi:10.1080/14484528.2024.2431552
- Sparkes, Matthew
The war against AI web scraping
() New Scientist. doi:10.1016/s0262-4079(23)00836-9