
I am in awe of how simple the booster shot booking process was. I visited the site on my phone while in bed and hungover, typed in my NHS number, confirmed a few details, and it listed a pharmacy a 20 minute walk away as having appointments.

A couple of weeks later and my 2xAZ was supplemented with 0.5x Moderna / SpikeVax. What a cool name - my inner Buffy fan is very happy to have been "Spiked" 🧛

Not quite early enough to be fully boosted for Xmas party season, but there's a limit to how much over-priced half-baked veggie fare I can eat.

As with my previous two jabs, I got them done on Friday afternoon so that I could spend the weekend suffering. I'm sure my work wouldn't have minded me taking some time off to recover, but I know I'd feel guilty about sitting on the sofa while my colleagues cover for me.

I gave blood last week. So I wonder if that means the vaccine is now extra concentrated in my bloodstream and I'll get superimmunity? The nurse administering the jab didn't seem to think so…

I guess the real question now is - how many more? I already had my flu jab a few months ago. Is there a limit to the number of vaccines a person can have? Can we be loaded up with hundreds of mRNA vaccines at once?

I've spent the last two years basically not being ill. Well, other than a brief bout of an upset stomach. No sniffles, no hacking up phlegm, no sore throats, no debilitating headaches. I could get used to this! But I wonder if that will affect my immune system? No lurgy in two years - does that mean the next thing to make it through my mask is going to knock me flat?

I suspect that I'll start going back into the office on a regular basis at some point early in the new year. But, for now, I'm safe in my little bubble - watching the world go by my window.

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