What is my Career Development Plan?

Me singing into a head level microphone.

The one thing I know about myself is that I hate introspection. So, fair warning, this will be a mopey and self-indulgent post. As part of my MSc, I have to create and discuss my Personal Development Plan in relation to my Career and I'm… stumped! I've never known what I wanted to be when I grow up. Sure, vague dreams of being a starship pilot (unlikely) or an actor (failed) - but other than that? Just… I dunno. Computers? My "career" so far has been drifting from gig to gig going "Oh, that l…

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What I learned from reading *all* my old tweets

A list of columns with Tweets in them.

Every so often, a celebrity is castigated over their "youthful indiscretions" i.e. racist Tweets they sent when they were a teenager. I don't think I've posted anything too horrific, but I wanted to check. I searched Twitter for a variety of slurs sent from my account - and all seemed clean. But... there's a lot of stuff that's not so easy to find with a simple search. So I decided to read every single Tweet I'd written since 2008. That's a lot of crap to wade through! I built a site -…

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An underwhelming break in lockdown

A bottle of beer outside on a sunny day.

I don't often blog about my feelings. Mostly because I find them confusing. Three weeks after our first vaccination jab, my wife and I broke our lockdown to go on a date. In the last 15 months we've left the house a few times for doctor's appointments, a couple of visits to the post office, some brief walks round the park, and that's about it. Nothing social, nothing fun. We thought it would be a good idea to ease ourselves gently back into the world. Going for a "big bang" of a full night…

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Everything I Know About Relationships, I Learned From Gilmore Girls

Gilmore girls title screen.

I hate everyone in Stars Hollow. They're all immature, narcissistic, power-hungry, ego-fuelled maniacs - some of whom border on psychotic. I hold them in such contempt that I would gladly abandon them all on a deserted island and let nature take its course. There isn't a single one of them who isn't a complete failure of a human being. Their collective brain power wouldn't even light an energy efficient bulb. They all display a startling lack of emotional intelligence. Well, OK, Lane Kim is …

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Playing Shakespeare

Shakespeare Shorts title card.

It is Thursday, 19 Mar 1998, 11:35 and I've bunked off school. I'm about to be on TV. I don't think I've told anyone. A few months prior, I had auditioned for a TV show and got the part! A few days later - with school's permission - I started rehearsals in some weird BBC rehearsal space. At the end of the week, a car took me to the then-abandoned St Pancras hotel, where we filmed. The resulting programme was... fine. I guess. I've written more about my experiences - but I never saw the show…

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What's the point of buying autographs?

Signed picture of Derek Jacobi.

Hanging on a wall in our house is a signed picture of Derek Jacobi. It is one of our most treasured possessions. It is a drawing of him as Professor Yana from Doctor Who. SPOILER ALERT He was really The Master! Back in 2007, I happened to be working next to a memorabilia shop, when I saw both Jacobi and Tom Baker sat in there. A long queue of people stood waiting to buy autographs. I got in line, said hi to Tom, and then told Sir Derek that my fiancée had just finished an MA and was now a …

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WordPress Stories - a quick review

In product screenshot. You've got early access to Story Posts and we'd love for you to give it a try. Now stories are for everyoneCombine photos, videos, and text to create engaging and tappable story posts that your visitors will love.Story posts don't disappearThey're published as a new blog post on your site, so your audience never misses out on a thing.

The WordPress app for Android prompted me to add a story! This is a new and experimental feature. Sadly, it isn't very good. Here's how it works. There's a brief description and some aspirational screenshots. There's a basic image picker. Then you get some basic tools to add text on top of your image. I know I'm a cynic, but this is a little underwhelming. It just posts an image to the blog. You can make it go full screen. This is it: There's a timer at the bottom, because you can …

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Best of: What I blogged about in 2020

My smiling face.

This is a quick round-up of the blogs which "did numbers" this year - and a few which I feel were cruelly overlooked. I posted a new blog every day in 2020 - so don't be surprised if you missed a few. OK? Here we go! January Watch out; there's a scam about. People love sharing horror stories. Scammers registering date-based domain names A venture into the arcane mysteries of programming Why do we have different programming languages? A nice security report to Google but, sadly, no…

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Blogging Every Day For A Year

WordPrress stats showing 366 posts written.

Every year, I take part in NaBloPoMo the Judoon mating festival where people blog every day in November. I ended November 2019 with more blog posts than I knew what to do with, so I tried blogging every day in January. And then, well, February is only a short month, isn't it? If all has gone to plan, you're reading this at the end of 2020 and this is my 366th blog post! Fucking leap years, eh? WHY!?!? They say every day is a school-day. I try to blog about the new things I've learned, or…

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A year of only reading books by women

A montage of books.

Last year, I set myself a challenge to read a new book per week. I managed to read 50 books, which I was pretty happy with. This year, I decided to only read books written by women. Here's what I learned. Obviously, COVID had a fairly negative effect on my reading rate. I went months without touching a book, and some evenings I could only get a few pages in before giving in to the need to doom-scroll. I love reading recreationally, and I need to get back into the habit. I wish I could read…

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New Year's Resolution - start an MSc

A young, beardless Terry - wearing graduation robes.

New Year! New Me! I'm crap at sticking to my multiple resolutions. I think I did okay on last year's resolutions. So this year, I'm just making a single one. At the start of the Gregorian calendar 2021, I'll begin an MSc Digital and Technology Specialist. My resolution is to get my coursework in on time. That's it. It has been so long since I formally studied anything that I'm a little nervous about how I'll get on. I'm going to spend some of the Xmas break brushing up on my stats, doing…

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A Year In Review

A digital watch.

It's my birthday! As is customary, here's my year in review. See 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, and 2010. WHAT. A. FUCKING. YEAR! The year started with me getting a colonoscopy - and went downhill from there. Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentWell gang, I'm drinking a litre of industrial strength laxative in preparation for a colonoscopy tomorrow morning.How's *your* Saturday night going?❤️ 11💬 15🔁 017:14 - Sat 23 November 2019 The camera-up-the bum wasn't too bad. No cancer,…

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