(Gadget) Geeks Of London

People in a pub sat around a projection screen.

Geeks Of London kicked off the new year with a gadget meet up. It was great seeing so many weird and wonderful gadgets. I think it would have been a good idea to give everyone a 30 second slot to talk about what they'd brought to show off. As for me, I took along an iPad competitor from 2004, my MP4 watch, and my now ubiquitous video glasses - from which I recorded the highlights from the event. (more…) …

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London - As Though I Had Never Seen It Before

Text message conversation. Control "A serious setback. Agent Yuri has compromised our security and obtained the visual ID of one cloak team member. Tread carefully, you may already be known to the enemy now. Hurry." Me: "Ithaca in room 22?" Control: "Correct. Daggers on site at third location:"

In the last week, I've played two ARGs around London. Using Alternate / Augmented Reality is an amazing way to discover - or rediscover - a city. The Real Game This is still in "beta" so I can't say too much about it. It's a spy game with a twist. You and your partner race around London solving clues. All the while you are being chased by a "Dagger" team whose aim is to solve the same clues, find you and photograph you. Running around London solving riddles is fun in of itself - but what …

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