Data Is / Data Are
To be clear - I don't care about this; I just think it is interesting.
Is the word "data" a plural? On a strict reading, yes. Datum is singular, data is its plural.
But humans are spongey meatbags who evolve language. And there will always be a tension between traditionalists and modernists.
So, I took a serious, scientific, and accurate Twitter poll.
It's amazing how many people are wrong, eh?
What I want to understand, is why it has evolved to a singular?
Charlie expresses it perfectly:
I understand what Charlie is saying, but I think I disagree with her. Think about cooking some chips. Would you say "the chips is ready"?
No. But chips are small individual "things". Just like rice.
What's something smaller than chips, but bigger than rice. Peas?
"How's dinner coming along?" "The peas is ready!" Nope!
Something between peas and rice? Sweetcorn?
"The sweetcorn is ready." Aha!
There seems to be some intuitive size related to when something is an individual thing, and when it is part of a whole.
If a dozen bees are flying towards you - they're a plural.
But a swarm of bees is a singular thing - despite being made of many small bees.
Data is a swarm. The individual datums are tiny compared to the mass of the dataset.
Alex says:
Alex Gibson says:
Mike Rose says: