How to become an award-winning cosplayer on the cheap
I love cosplay. Or, rather, I love the utter joy which leads people to dress up like their favourite characters. This is the story of how I won 2nd prize in a beauty contest for dressing up.
It seems to me, there are three ways to find success with cosplay:
- Be pretty and coat yourself with colourful latex.
- Spend a lot of time, money, and effort on building/buying an incredible costume.
- Cheat!
I am not body-confident enough to go for the skintight option. And I've previously gone down the replica route. So I went for the cheap option!
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For an 1980s themed #Techsmas party, I decided to go as Arnold Rimmer BSc SSc, from Red Dwarf.
And, yes, Red Dwarf first aired in 1988 - so it totally counts.
It is important to remember that you want to be accurate to people's memories - not necessarily reality.
I based my costume off my memories, and supplemented it with photos from the Official Red Dwarf site's article about Rimmer's outfit.
Khaki shirt
£20 from Amazon.

It was important to me that it had suitable pockets and epaulettes - but any dull coloured shirt would do.
£3.25 from eBay.
A simple set of iron-on patches. Nothing fancy, but looked the part.
Hologram H
£3 from eBay. This was what sold it. Everyone recognises the H!

This was where I cheated a little bit. Rimmer didn't get the sparkly H until Series 3 which was right at the end of 1989. Whereupon he also started dressing in snazzy uniforms.
Identity card
I didn't need this - but I wanted it! I found a company who would print anything on an ID card for £4.
So I mocked this up and sent it off.
No, it isn't using the right fonts. And it wouldn't pass muster trying to access a starship, but it'll do!
Oh, scan the barcode ;-)
Total cost
About £30. I didn't bother buying special trousers or moon boots, and I never wear a tie.
I did learn how to do the "Full Rimmer" salute - and took great pleasure in having several people salute me back!
Nobody does it better
I came second in the prize-giving. The victor? Pauline, with this epic Goblin King costume.

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Thanks, as ever, to Thayer Prime for organising such a lovely evening.
Mike says: