Why spam calls come from similar numbers to your phone number

In the last few months, I've received dozens of spam calls which appear to come from a similar phone number to mine.

If my number is 07700 900 123 I get calls from 07700 900 124 or 07700 900 456

Here's my working theory on why spammers do this. Americans.

In the UK, there's a separate "area code" for mobile phones. If a number starts 07 then it is mobile (it's a bit more complicated than that).

In the USA, there's no cellular prefix. If you buy a SIM card in Las Vegas, you'll probably get a 702 number - at least, I did when I last visited.

Some of the area codes in the USA cover tiny geographic areas.

Spammers know this. They bet that if they call +1-555-867-5309 from +1-555-867-5409 the person will believe the spammer is local to them. Possibly even a neighbour. It is a weak form of social engineering attack. You're more likely to trust someone local than a distant stranger.

In the UK this doesn't work. Not because we don't trust our neighbours, but because our mobile numbers aren't tied to a specific geography.

Cultural hegemony can be an effective anti-shibboleth!

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7 thoughts on “Why spam calls come from similar numbers to your phone number”

  1. Michael S says:

    This social engineering worked once on me here in the UK recently (luckily all I did was call the number back only to discover the person with that number never made the call).

    My partner and I have UK phone numbers that differ by one digit as we bought the SIMs from the same shop at the same time 20 years ago - so when I got a spam call from a number with only two digits different, the long history of self-conditioning around locality and similar numbers was ready to be activated.

  2. says:

    Yes, that sounds about right to me. I’ve noticed the same thing. Next time someone asks, I’ll point them to this explanation!


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