Where is the original "Overview of SHARD" paper?
One thing I'm finding extremely frustrating in academia is the number of people citing papers which don't seem to actually exist.
As part of a data analytics class, I'm learning about "database sharding". That is, the process of splitting data between multiple machines. But where does the term come from?
Wikipedia - the source of all truth - says:
In a database context, most recognize the term "shard" is most likely derived from either one of two sources: Computer Corporation of America's "A System for Highly Available Replicated Data"
It lists the reference as "Sarin, DeWitt & Rosenburg, Overview of SHARD: A System for Highly Available Replicated Data, Technical Report CCA-88-01, Computer Corporation of America, May 1988"
It is a heavily cited paper. But it doesn't seem to exist!
I've contacted the authors of this, and other papers, but they've not been able to supply me with a copy of the paper.
As far as I can tell, it was originally an internal company report to the Computer Corporation of America. Their new owners didn't respond to a request for archival material.
Perhaps I can't find it because the authors' names are misspelled?
This 1989 thesis from MIT spells the name as "Rosenberg" - with an e, not a u.
(Thanks to Suzy Hamilton for helping me find that paper.]
But can we trust this source? Probably; it was written by one Ronni Lynne Rosenberg - and I assume she can spell her own name correctly!
I've updated the Wikipedia citation.
But now I'm stumped. Everyone refers to this ur-paper, but I can't find it anywhere. I've checked all the sources I have access to. And even some of those despicable sites which share academic PDFs for free. None of them have it.
This leads me to conclude one of three possibilities:
- It exists, but I'm too stupid to find it
- People are citing things which they haven't read
- I have fundamentally misunderstood how academia works
What do you reckon?
2021-06-30 UPDATE! The inimitable Dr Laura James has found a clue! The British Library holds a copy of "TECHNICAL REPORT- COMPUTER CORPORATION OF AMERICA CCA".
I've requested an interlibrary loan from my university to see if it contains this mythical document.
2021-07-13 Update! Sadly, it's a bust. I got a lovely and detailed email from the British Library. In it, they say:
I have asked my colleague in Boston Spa, in Yorkshire to check the shelves and our holdings for this catalogue record:
Holdings Notes: Document Supply 8715.133000 81/05, 1981-
Shelfmark(s): Document Supply 8715.133000
Sadly it is rather misleading and the dash -, implies that we have CCA-81/05 onwards but in fact we just have that particular technical report and no others. I will ask our data quality team to correct the record for future enquirers.
The quest continues!
Merton Hale says:
Chris Midgley says:
Laura says:
@edent says:
John Maguire says:
Avi Berliner says:
@edent says: